Undertale: The First Universe

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 Voidverse — 

(Months after the called 'Fall of the Destroyer')

Once upon a time, a multiverse filled with void existed, one single Universe existed in the infinite black, one universe that was created by the Void Goddess, and she was happy, the universe was hers, to protect, to take care of.

The universe and it's inhabitants weren't perfect, but she would never want them to be, they lived, they loved, hated, were in peace, fight in wars... but soon or later, died, and their souls would return to her void and where they would be safe and sound in her loving darkness.

And its inhabitants knew it, they needed no proof except their own Souls, for all the conflicts that existed between Humans and Monsters not once those had been caused by a lack of belief in the Void Mother.

...Maybe there was differences in their interpretation of Her, but it's not like they ever went to war over that, so it didn't matter.

When the last war between the two species ended with the Monsters trapped in the Underground, it was their Goddess who guided them through the immense cavern, who made sure they did not die during those first years when food was scarce, who calmed their Souls when the fear about what the future held was too much.

They wouldn't have reached the first decade locked down there -or at least not so many of them- if it weren't for her, who even stayed with them even decades later, when they began to inhabit the entire Underground; it was around this time that the nickname "Mother Void" took on a deeper meaning than being the Creator that gave them life.

And, life went on, little Chara came and went taking Prince Asriel with them when they left; in her grief the Queen fled to the Ruins, never to be seen again; and King Asgore stayed, his Soul equally sorrowful but holding firm for the good of his people.

More humans fell after that, some were like Chara, who stayed or willingly gave their Souls to help them break the Barrier; some brought chaos and death before the Royal Guard stopped them.

6 Souls gathered before something different happened. Frisk fell to the Underground.

And they fell again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

There was no way of knowing how many times the cycle was repeated, Sans considered it a blessing, there were blurred memories and feelings of Deja vu, along with a dull ache in his Soul that his Mother Goddess calmed after what he could only assume were the worst Resets, the 'Genocidal' ones.

(And although Sans respected and prayed to his Goddess as much as any other common Monster, he could not deny that these increased the more time passed, sometimes he felt as if his Mother Goddess and his brother were the only thing keeping his sanity between the uncertainty and fear about that held about future that was not arriving).

But once Chara, their Soul brought back by the will of their Goddess, entered the scene things began to improve; the Resets gradually stopped, his memories became clearer and the last couple of Resets, he remembered them perfectly.

A failed Genocide, a Neutral Peaceful 'route' and finally a perfect Peaceful 'route' which ended with all the Monsters returning to the surface.

It had been years since they arrived to the Surface, both Chara and Frisk had found a way to have separate bodies among all the 'Destroy the Barrier" thing, and with equal amounts of Determination, the Resets had ended for good.

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