Helltale Copy #43

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It took a while for the notice to spread, but when it reach even the farthest place of all, it was like multiverse as a whole cried.

A cry of excitement from those who blindly caused the fall of the Destroyer and his allies.

A cry of rage from a goddess when feel her strings on her puppet's soul being broken, hurting her in the process.

A cry of pain from a mother who was feeling the connection with her children being taken away from her.

A cry of confusion from a Creator having one of his most basics knowledge broken.

A cry of disbelief from a Guardian after seeing his brother prefer to jump into the void rather than return to him.


And a cry of excitement from a reaper as he felt the time to take revenge for the loss of his loved one finally arriving.

And he promises that in the moment this disgusting place show the first sights of crumble, he will follow his former lover wherever he has gone.

Because the only soul that make his existence in this repulsive multiverse worthy of living in was no more here, not even his "other half", his little brother, could make him stay in this place anymore.

Because he once promised...

He promised to his beloved Geno that he would love him no matter what he looked like, the glitched skeleton had days where his glitches were more prominent, he believed that that would make Reaper turn away from him.

It took to bind their souls so that his loved one finally stop doubting Reaper's love for him.

(As if Reaper could find someone else capable of see him, one the two Gods of Death and like him, much less love him, nope, Geno was special in that way and Reaper would have followed him to the next life if he had actually died instead of being taken away by Fate).

He will love Geno no matter what he looks like.

(He will love him even if Geno, oh well, Error, forgot about him).

And what matter if Error didn't love him like before?

And what if he was no more than a friend-ally in Error's eyes?

That didn't matter, he'll still ensure the happiness and safety of him and those who he now call his brothers.

Reaper didn't care as long as his soulmate was happy, safe and sound.

(And if a part him was still hoping that in this new multiverse, without the constant stress, fear and pain that Ink brough over Error, maybe they could start over).

But those were thoughts for the future.

Now he has one last job to accomplish.

He knew that now that the Bad Sanses and the Destroyer disappeared from the Multiverse, Ink would go into a creative spree and no one would get him to stop.

But as much as he wanted to go to his mother-in-law and ask her to send him along to that Multiverse where Error was now, but he still had one last duty to fulfill, for both Error and Geno.

He had seen how painful it was when a Universe fell to the void without further ado, the screams and pleas were deafening, and as much as it gave him satisfaction to think of those who hurt Error and the rest of the Gang so much suffering that fate, there were Universes and Monsters who didn't deserve it.

Outer and the Outertale Universes for example were special for both of his loved ones, space fascinated them and Outer was always neutral with Error, even at times he and his brother cured him when he fell unconscious in their universe, unable to give more after one particularly terrible battle against the Star Sanses.

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