Void tears

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His face hurt.

And it wasn't like the pain he could now feel in his head, his legs, in his entire body, no, it was a different kind of pain.

It was a pain he had grown used years ago to and at the same time... it was different.

His tears always hurt him, 'crying' Hate through his eyes was not something that was healthy nor recommended.

The cursed tears had burned his skull since he fused his soul with Chara, even if for some reason he stopped crying them the mark of them would never go.

His mother had offered to rid him of them, a long time ago, when there was still a chance to get rid of them, when his and Chara's soul haven't completely fused, but he had vehemently refused, he had wanted them to serve as a reminder...

A reminder of how little he had been worth to his old universe, how so many years of friendship, loyalty, of sacrificing his own sanity in order to stop the genocides meant nothing to anyone.

A reminder of how the monsters he once call friends accused him of being a traitor, of having stolen a soul for himself instead of giving it up for their freedom.

A reminder of how Papyrus just stepped aside and did or say nothing to help him.

He had learned to live with the pain of his corrosive tears long ago.

But the pain felt... different now, like applying alcohol to an open wound.

He was confused, he didn't had any idea of why he was feeling that, his body was not responding to him and he was suffering.

Had the plan failed? Ink and his blind followers have captured them and now he was suffering through one of their attempts to "fix" him?

He hated it, he wanted it to stop, whatever had replaced his tears was healing as well as hurting him and he hated it.

He wanted his mama papa.

He wanted his brothers.

Where were they?

Fate had done something to his mama and that's why he couldn't feel her void in his soul anymore?

(But he still had void in his soul, it was just... not hers).

He couldn't see anything; his body didn't seem to react and he didn't know where he was.

His mind was full of conflicting feelings, everything in him was screaming at that he should be afraid, that he should be panicking over his current situation.

(D̸̡̂o̶̜̕n̶̫͝'̷̣̔ṯ̵͒ ̷̦͒b̷̊ͅe̶̛̖)

But... he was not afraid, there was a kind of mist covering his being, like a warm blanket, it was the same warm feeling that his mama used to evoke when any of them were on the verge of a panic attack.

But that mist, this void... this void was not his mama's.

Where his mama's void was warm and firm, cauterizing but sadly never healing the wounds their universes left on them... this felt cold even if it shared the same firmness, equal and at the same time stronger in its grip than it did than the one his mama had on him and his brothers.

He should feel trapped, he should try to get out of that tight grip, but that thought doesn't even cross his mind.

This new void felt like the thing that had replaced the Hate in his tears, like a cold balm on wounds he'd already grown accustomed to but that never stops hurt until now.

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