Deepnest and the Beast

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Nightmare had always been proud to be the one who knew best how to navigate through dark places of everyone in the Gang.

Because even when the others were children of his mother and dark places don't bother them and even could calm them, they just could walk through them without hitting anything, but they didn't really see what was in the dark.

But he was the 'Void guardian', he remember his Mother explain to him how the pure negativity of the black apples were similar enough to the void that it was easy to fuse both of it even before Nightmare ate them, the Goddess of Feelings was just Dream's mother by the time he take that first bite.

So yeah, the darkness of the tunnels was hardly a problem after a while of wandering around where he fell, he no longer needed the useless 'light plants' that the cave had.

Yet... he was lost.


He could swear that he had passed the site where he woke up at least 3 times despite having taken different paths each time!

But he kept walking, taking what hopefully would be a path that actually lead him somewhere else, he killed the bugs that were trying to attack him without problems, and the fact that there were again a greater number of these told him that he had finally reached another area.

(He was still incredibly lost, but at least now he was lost in another area).

He needed to get out this place, his brothers could maybe not be in any kind of danger, Mother could not let them in a place where they could be, but they could still get in trouble just by being themselves and he would prefer have a place to stay before make any enemy

(Or find his new Parent, that would be great too).

Entering the new tunnels quickly led him to a pile of cobwebs that reminded him of what Error's room in the castle looked like.

But these weren't the former destroyer's threads, these actually seemed to come from the silk of a real spider, and from the size of these, they were probably equal to or larger than a Muffet.


Now... where those spiders could be? He hasn't seen a single one in all he time he has been walking trough the tunnels and those cobwebs didn't seem to have too long?

(Although he could almost swear that he would hear sometimes whispers in the far away, but for the life of him couldn't understand a damn thing and he really hoped it was just noises from a bug that sounded like speech and not that he have to deal with a fucking language barrier.)

So, he followed the path of cobwebs and prayed that they were heading him somewhere out of here and not towards some kind of trap.


Yeah sure, as if he was so lucky.



Arai ran as fast as her legs allowed towards the Nest, she had to warn her queen of the approaching danger.

Who knew how long they had before the Void Lord came for his wayward child, because there was no doubt that this being was his, the creature basically drip void from its body, the only thing not black in its appearance was the mask on its head!

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