The Other Side

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Fun fact about this story: The pronouns of the Vessels are the reason this story is in English instead of Spanish.


He has been called many things during the time he has existed.

He was been called a tyrant, a Higher Being that one time tried to destroy everything and everyone that existed in the world, a crazy god that just stopped when finally see the wrong in his actions.

(He hid away in the bottom of the Abyss).

He was called a monster, an abomination, a creature that only existed to scare the little bugs from go too down in the dirt.

(He began to sleep, hoping never awake again).

He has been called a god, a deity, the God of Gods, the most powerful of the Higher Beings that have ever walk over the world.

(He awakes just to find that parts of him were taken away from him).

He never imagines that one day someone could see him and called him 'dad'.

(He loved his children in the second he saw them).

Oh, the reason of that happening still making his void boil, he loves his children, but the reason behind their existence... wasn't the best.

He could understand the reasons behind the plan of the Pale Being, the Void was one of the few things that could have an opportunity to kill or retain the Light Goddess beside Nightmares, maybe he doesn't really understand in that moment what is having someone depending on you to defend them, but still see his point in his actions.

But the Pale Being still called them failures when resulting not being "pure", he created children with his void and tried to turn one into a weapon.

His children could talk, even without a voice.

His children could think, even when the Pale Being didn't notice.

His children had a will, and he would made sure that they never loss it.

When he stood in front of the Pale Being, his void ready to torn him apart, his child came between them, preventing him from tearing his other parent apart begging, who at that time was only a powerful enemy, to not to kill his father.

(And at that moment the Pale King realized that his Pure Vessel was not pure at all).

A long, tense moment passed before Shade Lord reduced his form and demanded an explanation, what, in the name of every existing deity made the king believe that experimenting and snatching the void was a good idea?

He... wasn't sure what he was expecting, but the Goddess of Dreams and Light going berserker and using the corpses of Pale's subjects was not what he expected to hear.

The Old Light, Radiance, his old enemy, the one who tried to kill him in the past and he to her...

And apparently, she had decided that building her 'kingdom' on top of his resting place was the best idea?

His anger with Pale Being hadn't disappeared... but the very idea that his old enemy was so close to him and his children took on more importance in that moment.

The Pale King wanted to get rid of the threat that the Old Light was to his kingdom and Shade Lord wanted his children to be safe with him (they had already hurt them enough in their short existence).

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