{ Chapter one }

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"(Y/N) get up you're gonna be late for school!!" I groaned and fell out of my bed. "Ughhh. Fine!!" I got up and rubbed my butt. "God, that hurt." I went to the mirror and fixed myself quickly. I got into my clothes for the day. I rushed down the stairs. My mum was on the couch. "Hi mum" she looked up at me.

"Morning sweetie. Your lunch in on the side." I nodded and went over putting it in my bag. "Thanks Ma." She nodded and went over to me. "No problem. Jessica called she should be round any moment." I nodded and flopped on the sofa. "Oi, don't just sit down. She'll be here any moment. Get up so you can open the goddamn door." I groaned and got up. "Alright alright!!" I went over to the door and the door bell rang. I opened the door and there was Jessica. "Morning!" She giggled. Going in and pulling me in a hug. "Morning Jess."

"Alright. Girls go on to college. And Don't go down the graveyard way. It's disrespectful to walk all over it." I rolled my eyes. "Alright alright. Let's go Jess." She nodded and we walked our way to school and of course down the graveyard way. "(Y/N), are we really going through the graveyard. Your mother clearly told us not to." I rolled my eyes, jumping over the fence. Jessica going over after me.

"Oh look. You came with me anyways." She rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. I have to look after my little sister~" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. We may be close that not as close..." I felt my heart tighten again. I told myself I wouldn't talk about it yet it still there in my mind. Jessica nodded. "Not as close as you were with Ben when he lived down here. Come on. Let's go." I nodded and grabbed her hand. We went down the way we Normally go down. And we got to college. We got into the college and rushed down the halls.

"Come on. We have to get to class or we are gonna be late!!" I rolled my eyes as Jessica grabbed my hand and dragged me to the class room. As we opened the door, everyone looked right at me with a look of pity. "Umm Jessica. Why is everyone looking at me weirdly." She shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe we'll know soon." I nodded and we went and sat down in the back of the class. Where we always sit. After a while the teacher comes in. She looks at everyone then her eyes land on me. She had pity in her eyes as well. Weird.

She walks to her place at the front and takes a deep breath. "Okay. As everyone knows. Today is a very sad day. And most importantly, must be a very hard day for (Y/N)." I tilted my head in confusion. "Umm. Ms Jenkins. But what are you talking about?" Everyone stared at me in surprise. "Oh dear. You weren't told..? Is that why the school told me to address it today. Can you come up here (Y/N)?" I nodded. And got up. I walked over to the front.

"Dear. You know your old friend. Who lived down here??" I nodded. "Do you mean Ben??" She nodded. "It's mainly about him. But 3 years ago. After he moved away. He passed away." As soon as I heard those words. I felt like my heart stopped beating. My breathing stopped at a halt and my I could feel the tears coming. "N-no. No. No. No. That can't be true. He can't have died...no" Jessica ran right up to me and I fell right onto the ground. She hugged me tightly, as I cried right into her shoulder. I could hear the teacher speak. "Jessica. Could you take her somewhere to help her calm down."

"I will Ms Jenkins." She shook me gently. "(Y/N)?? Let's go and calm you down." I nodded getting up and Jessica helped me out. "I-I can't believe he d-died. My mother never told me...why?" Jessica rubbed my back as we got down into the courtyard. "Maybe she didn't tell you because of ruining your childhood." I nodded. "M-maybe...but she could have told me." Jessica rubbed my back. "Agreed she should have. She really should have."



"Can you come with me to graveyard to look for his grave to take a picture of it and confront my mum about his death?" She nodded. "Of course. I believe that would be the best thing to do." I hugged her tightly. She giggled and hugged me back. "Wanna talk about him??" I nodded. "That could help." She nodded and sat down right next to me. Holding my hands tight. "So...what was he like?" I giggled. "He was a nerd. A big nerd. We would play at his like everyday. I would call him Link. And he would call me Zelda. Because he loved playing Legend of Zelda. But other than that. He was a flirt. I didn't mind..."

She giggled. "You had a crush on him didn't you??" I nodded feeling heat come up to my face. "I did. I loved him. But I was way too afraid to tell him. And then he died...I should have told him how I felt. So that he would have at least known if I couldn't save him from dying..." she smiled. "You must have really liked him." I giggled. "I did. Oh and one Halloween we went as Zelda and link. He held my hand the entire time because I was afraid."

"Awww. That's adorable. Do you have a photo of him??" I nodded. "I do. Whenever I get a new phone I always remember to save it onto it. Here." I took out my phone and showed Jessica a picture of Ben when he was playing games. "Oh wow. He looked really cute huh." I nodded. "He HATED being called cute though. So I called him handsome. Made him go embarrassed it was cute." Jessica laughed a little and I joined in. "Let's start heading back. I'm sure Ms Jenkins will tell the school of what happened so we will be able to go." I nodded and we got up. She gave me my bag. "What- how-"

"I grabbed both of our bags before rushing over to you. Now shut up so we can go." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Thanks"

SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I like the way I changed it a little to make it make more sense uwu. Anyways. Love y'all~


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