{ Chapter Ten }

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(Y/N) (L/N) P.O.V

On the way to the forest we went to my house and sneaked into the backyard. I placed my bag down on the floor. "Have you put yours on the floor ??" I asked Jessica she nodded and we quickly ran from the backyard to the forest. I know. Weird that I just happen to live right next to the forest. We didn't know how we were meant to actually get to the mansion. "Waiittt. How do we even get there ??"

"Did Slenderman give you a map or something ??"

"Oh that's a thing. Let me check..." I went in my bag and searched to see if he gave me a map or not. "Nope. He didn't give me a map- why didn't I just ask Ben to teleport us there." I said groaning. Jessica just chuckled. "Can't you just uh- message him about it ??" My eyes widened and I face palmed. "Omg I'm a idiot." We both then just laughed for a little bit.

I got my phone out and messaged Ben

(Y/N): Bennyyyyyyyyyy

Ben <3: what ?? And don't call me that.

You giggled and replied.

(Y/N): Welll. Slenderman kind of didn't give me a map to get to the mansion or did he tell me how to. And I didn't go there by myself in the first place.

Ben <3: oh fuck. I forgot I was the one who was meant to tell you how to get there- alright give me a second. I'll send you the map. How are you meant to get out and back if I keep on getting you here ??

(Y/N): You do have a point- wait. Does Slenderman know about us ??

Ben <3: *attachment* yes. Everyone does. So don't get surprised if you get a very weird welcome.

"What did he mean by that-"

"What ?? Did you get a map ??" I nodded. "Yup. He gave me a map. Let's gooo." I clicked the attachment and went forward. "I just hope that I know how to follow a map." Jessica sighed. "You've never been good at navigating with maps. Give me the phone." I nodded and gave her the phone. Her eyes widened.

"No wonder no one can find this mansion !!"

"What ?? What is it ??" She just laughed. "It's literally all the way at the middle of the forest. Next to a lake. I know that lake !!" My eyes widened. "You've been near the mansion before ?!!" She face palmed. "WE'VE BEEN NEAR THE MANSION BEFORE !!"

It took me a while then it clicked. "OH ITS THAT LAKE WE FOUND WHEN WE GOT LOST !!!" She nodded. "I remember the name of the lake !! Let's gooo !!" She grabbed my hand and we ran.

~after a while~

We have been walking for a while. "Ughh I forgot how long it took to get thereee." Jessica nodded. "Yeahhhh. I'm tired. I think I packed some shelter stuff." My eyes widened. "Why did you take shelter things-"

"Just incase that Slenderman doesn't accept me going there as well. I mean. I know too much. So he kind of has too." I giggled. "You aren't wrong. Anyways. What are you waiting forrrr. Get it outtt." She nodded and got out a tent. "That's what was sticking out of your bag-"

"Duh. What else would it be ??. Anyways help me set it uppp." I nodded and we got to building the tent. How can one person build a tent ?? It's soo hard." After a while we managed to make the tent. "Alright. Let's call it a night. But first you should probably message Ben."

"Yeah. Give me a minute." I took my phone out and messaged Ben that we won't be getting that tonight. We'll probably get there sometime tomorrow. "Alright. Good night Jess."

"Good night, (Y/N)"


Sorry for taking forever to update anything. I've been taking this Summer to take a break from everything. I'll get back to writing normally soon !!


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