{ Chapter Three }

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After I finished the shower. I put on the shorts and shirt. I went down the stairs just in time for Jessica to ring the door bell. "Coming!!" I ran to the door and opened it. "Hiya!!" She smiled and walked in. My mum peeked her head from the kitchen. "What would you girls like for dinner??" I looked at Jess. She smiled. "Sweet corn and ham pizza!!" My mum nodded. "Pizza and chips it is!!" We smiled and left up into my room. We went up to my room and her eyes widened in amazement.

"All of this is. Sorry, was Ben's?" I nodded. "Amazing right?. He was a massive nerd. And so I am I!!" We went up to my bed and I turned on my tv and took out the Nintendo 64 and the game she said she'd help me play and complete in the memory of Ben. "So this is the game??" I nodded. "It is. It's the game. I hope we can win it for him." She nodded. "I'm sure we can!!" I smiled and Began the game. Putting it on the TV. I bring the Nintendo 64 next to me and Jessica.

"There's his load file!!" I smiled and loaded onto his file. We then played for about 3 hours until it was time for dinner. "JESS. (Y/N)!! COME DOWN FOR DINNER!!" We both looked at the screen as it said "game over" for the 1000000th time. "WE ARE COMING!!" We put the controller down and went down the stairs. But we forgot about something. We forgot to turn off the game and the tv.

We got into the kitchen and my mum had put out the pizza. Me and Jess looked at each other.  "PIZZA!!" We rushed to the table and waiting for mum to give us our plates of pizza and chips. "Here you go, girls." We smiled and dug in. "Thanks mum!!" She smiled and started to ate her portion. "Soo, how's Ben's games??" I smiled. "Me and Jess are trying our hardest to beat that boss in the game me and Ben would play!" She giggled. "Have you succeeded??" We shook our heads. "No..." she smiled sadly. And came up to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. You'll beat it one day."....

Third person P.O.V

Back in (Y/N)'s bedroom. Where the tv was still on. It went all static and Ben crawled through it. Not knowing it was high. He fell right on his face. "Oww- fucking people with their fucking high tv's-" he got up and patted the dirt off himself. He suddenly heard some voices down the stairs. "Oh fuck-" he looked around trying to find somewhere to hide. He couldn't go back into the tv. Because well. It's a bit too high. He looked at the closet and opened the door and went in. Closing the door on him.

Ben sighed annoyed. "Ughh. This is why I don't like going to people house through their bedrooms who are my age!!" He sat down in the closet. "Why did Slender ask me to go anyways?? He told me to go. But not to kill whoever's bedroom this is." He thought back to then. ~flash Back~ Ben came into Slenders office. "You asked for me?" Slender nodded pointing to the seat. "Yes. Come near me." He nodded and sat down. "So. What do you want me for?"

"There's this house. I don't want you to kill whoever is in that house. I just want you to see. That not everyone has forgotten you." ~end of flash back~ Ben groaned in confusion. "What does he mean by 'not everyone has forgotten you' like. No one ever cared for me- apart from her..." Ben's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed. "Wait no. This can't be HER house. I never told anyone about her apart from Jeff- oh I'm gonna have a word with him!!" As soon as he said that he heard someone come into room. He held a hand over his mouth.

Your P.O.V

I heard a band in My room. "Umm. Did we leave the controller somewhere it could drop??"

"(Y/N). That sounded like a big thump. Like maybe a person??" I laughed. "I doubt that. Let me check my room." I got up and went upstairs. I heard fast footsteps. "What...? Could there really be someone here??" I shrugged and opened my bedroom door. I swear I heard someone say something. It sounded like Ben's voice. But a bit statically. "No- it can't be him right??" I stepped in. Closing my door. I looked around. Seeing that below my tv was a bit of blood?? I followed the very slight trail of blood to the closet. The door was slightly ajar. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There was a boy. About the same age as me (let's just pretend he grew up like you XD.)

We just stared at each other for a little while. Until I realised it looked like Ben. But he looked like Link? He looked like he was....crying blood?? I rubbed my eyes trying to see if it was just a trick of my mind. But nope. He's there. I couldn't take it. I stepped back, falling over my feet and screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" he then looked at me wide eyed. And then he screamed too. "AHHHHHHHHH WHY ARE WE SCREAMING!!"

"WHO ARE YOU. WHY ARE YOU IN MY CLOSET!!" He tried to get out but failed and tripped over. Falling. Right. On. To. Me. We stared at each other and I was about to scream again but he placed his hand on my mouth. "Shh!! Please don't scream!! I'm not gonna kill you." I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth. "Do you not recognise me?" I shook my head. We realised that we were still well. With him on top of me. We looked at each other and blushed. He got off of me and I got up. We went to my bed. "T-to answer your question. No. You kinda look like someone I know but he-"

"Died? I did. But I'm alive again. For one reason." My eyes widened and I was about to yell again but he put a finger to his slips. "Please Don't yell. I don't want your mum to come up and call the police on me-" I nodded. "Sorry. But. Are you really Ben...?" He nodded. I could feel my eyes tear up. I sniffed and put my hands over eyes. I suddenly felt Ben's hands on my shoulder. "W-why are you crying??" I whipped my eyes and shook my head. "S-sorry. I can't believe that I found out you died today. And then see you are alive. What is going on!!"

"I know it's confusing. I'm confused why I was sent here without the meaning to kill- oh right. I was brought back to life for revenge." My eyes widened. "Revenge?" He nodded. "Do you know how I died?" I shook my head. "The gravestone didn't say anything about your death." He sighed. "I knew he wouldn't ever admit what happened to me." I looked at him confused. "Do you mean your father?" He nodded. "Yeah. I came back to life to get revenge because he...he drowned me."

"H-He DROWNED you? Oh that mother fuc-"

"WHAT WAS WITH THE SCREAMING BEFORE?? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?!" My eyes widened. "Oh shit. My mother. Hide. Um. Under my bed!!" He nodded and quickly went under the bed. "EVERYTHING IS FINE. JUST A DEAD BIRD FLEW IN!!" I could hear footsteps coming upstairs. The door was slammed open and my mum was there with a bag and a mask on. "Where's the dead bird!!" I laughed. "That's what I was doing. I was putting it away. It's not here anymore." She let out a sigh of relief.

Ben's P.O.V

I held my breath while her mum was in the room. "Ew. That bird really got around some place ehh."

"Yeah. I threw it into the wardrobe before throwing it outside. A cat went and took it afterwards-" I could hear her mum let out a sad sigh. "Aww poor thing." I felt (Y/N) sit down. "Well. Mum I'd like some time alone to well wish the bird a happy after life. You can tell Jessica about the bird. So she can decide if she wants to stay in a room where a dead bird came flying in."

"Of course. You know her. She'll probably go home." I heard (Y/N) giggle. I felt my cheeks redden. "Of course. She can definitely go home if she wants." Her mum left and she leaned down to under her bed to me. "You can get out now." I got out from underneath her bed and the door was swung open. "No dead bird blood can stop me from hanging out with my best f-" she stopped her sentence and looked at me and then at (Y/N) and then back at me.

"Who the f-" (Y/N) rushed over and slammed the door shut and placed a hand over her friends mouth. "Don't. Say. A. Word." She nodded and we all three sat on the bed.

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now