{Chapter 19}

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"What are you doing here ?" (Uncle/name), said as he looked at me. And then turned his attention to Jess, who was next to me. I squeezed my fist, to try and calm myself down. "And whose this ?" I put on my best smile, and grabbed her hand. "This is Jess, my best friend."

"It's nice to meet you, sir." My uncle smiled a little and stepped to the side. "Please, come on in, you two." I smiled and pulled Jess into the house. "Would you two like anything to drink ? You can wait in the living room while I get it."

"We'll just have a glass of juice please." Jess said as we walked into the living room, and my uncle disappeared into the kitchen. "Alright" She said as we sat down. "How are we going to kill this man ?" She whispered on to me. I shrugged. "Not too sure, this man abandoned my whole family. And its all because he's a fucking paedophile"

I groaned and leaned back. "Why don't we use that as our advantage ?" I looked up at her confused. "Use what as our advantage ?" She smirked and whispered in my ear. "Use his paedophilia to our advantage." My eyes widened as I looked at her. "And how would we do that ?"

Just as Jess was about to tell me, (U/n) came in. "Sorry about the wait, you two" I muttered a thank you as I took the glass from him. Taking a sip. "So, what brought you two here ? Your mother will not be happy to hear that you came to me." I sighed and put my drink down. "For all she knows, me and Jess are missing children" He stared at us confused. "We uh. Ran away basically." Jess said putting her drink down.

"Why would you two run away ?" I kept my eyes on him, at any point he could try and call the police saying he found us. "For one simple reason really" Jess said as she got up grabbing her bag and walked behind him on the sofa in front of us. And slowly pulled out a knife, and held it in front of his neck.

"To kill people like you, you sick bastard" I laughed when I saw the fear in his eyes, I got up grabbing my bag and pulled out a bottle of pills. "You know what the easiest way for a grown man like you to die ? By overdosing, by regretting what you did to those little girls. What you tried to do to me. And what im sure you've done before."

I crept closer to him, I could practically feel how scared he was, he was a sweating, wide eyed terrified mess. God, how much I love that look on his face. "So, we are going to give you one of our glasses of juice, and you, (U/n) are going to take all of these pills" I grabbed my glass and gave it to him.

"Because if you dont, Jess here is going to carve Paedophile on your back and then kill you, arent you ?" She laughed pressing the back of the knife into his neck, not harming him just yet. "Oh you bet I will."

"So what will it be then, hmm ?" with shaky hands he takes the glass from him. "I-I'll take the pills" I laughed and opened the bottle giving it to him. "Good choice." Jess kept the blade close to him, as we watched him take all of the pills. I stared at him, as we saw the scene fall before us, (U/n) dying from overdose. It took a few minutes but there he was unmoving, a corpse on his sofa.

"Can I still carve Paedophile on his body ?" I turned to her and shrugged. "Girl, its up to you. I'll go take the other glass out, so no one can know there was anyone else here." She nodded excitingly as I left with the other glass of juice, I emptied it and washed it up, dried it and put it in the correct cupboard. Which did take a while, the kitchen is so difference from mums back at hers.

I walked back into the kitchen to be face with Jess, actually carving Paedophile into my uncles back. "Shit bro. You're actually doing it." She looked up and smiled, blood partially covering her hand from the knife that was in my uncles back. "Of course ! No one like Paedophile's" she said as she takes the knife out of his back and skipped past me to clean off the blood. 'God this woman is a psycho but I love her' I laughed and went fully into the living room to grab our bags.

Walking out I threw Jess her bag when she came out of the kitchen and she shoved the newly clean knife in it. "And he was the last person" We left his house and I let out a sigh, as the cool air hit me. "It was ! It's getting a lot more darker. We should probably leave back to the mansion !"

Jess nodded to me tiredly. "Yep. God, killing people at nighttime really does take a toll out of you" I laughed a little and nodded. "Yep, it sure does. Let's get going then, Jess" I smiled as I extended my hand, which she took and we began our way back into the forest to get back to the mansion. God was I gonna flop on the bed and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.


HI Y'ALL !! I'm so so, SO sorry for my very bad updating schedule. I've just been so distracted by college and now work, I hope y'all understand. I promise to try and get back to a weekly updating schedule, I've just been in a writers block for such a long time. But here I am ! I'm so happy to have finally updated this book. You all have been such amazing supporters with this book. Thank you so much for dealing with my bad updating schedule. I love y'all <3


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