{Chapter 13}

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Walking down the stairs, I smelt what Ben was making. "Hmm that smells nice. Whatcha making ??" I asked, as I walked behind Ben. He was just finishing putting the food on the plates. "You didn't tell everyone about food right ?" I shook my head. He let out a sigh. "Good, because I literally only made food for me, you and Jess." Jessica peaked into the kitchen door. "Aww you thought of me !!. Also I'm in Sally's room so i can't promise she didn't follow me-"

"BIG BROTHER BEN MADE FOOD ?!!" Sally said running into the kitchen. She was now admiring Ben. "You NEVER cook. It's normally Slendy. Big sister (Y/N)?" Ben looked back, embarrassed. I laughed and knelt down to Sally. "Yes, Sally ??"

She smiled brightly and pointed at Ben. "Ben must really like you. This is the first time he's ever cooked in this mansion !!" I felt my face heat up. "W-what ?" Ben turned around, turned off the oven, picked up Sally and ran out of the kitchen. Jessica looked where he went and then back at me. "I- what the fuck just happened ??" I shrugged. Grabbing two plates and bringing it in the living room. Giving one to Jess.

"I have no idea. But do you think what Sally said is true ??" She shrugged, eating the food. "Maybe. It would explain everything that has happened." I looked up from my half finished food. "What do you mean ??"

She stared at me like I hit my head. "Uh, (Y/N), did he not tell you what he did ?? After he pulled you into your phone and into the mansion for the first time."

I shook my head. "I don't think so. What did he do ??" Jessica giggled. "Remember Dylan ? Your shitty ex ?" I just glared at her. "Of course I do. What about him ??" 

"Ben hacked into his phone and found the numerous photos of you doing literally anything, and put it onto the screen. With a message telling him to stop stalking you." my eyes widened. "Wait. Did he really do that ?" She nodded. "And to know that he's liked me for a while, I can actually believe that." we finished our food and she took my plate.

"Yeah. You can clearly tell he loves you, (Y/N). I haven't known him for that long. But, I definitely think he's a better choice than Dylan." I laughed. "Yeah, and I love him too..." She smiled and walked into the kitchen to put the plates away. I sighed and leaned back into the sofa. 


Hi I'm so sorry for the VERY long awaited chapter. It's not that long. But I promise I'll start updating it more !! Also would you guys want another creepypasta x reader book ?? I can do any. And by any I mean not any of them that are literal kids so Sally and around her age. But yeah, creepypasta is and will still be my safe place so I'd love to write more. I'm probably gonna start working on one soon. So if you want a specific one please ask away.

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