{Chapter 14}

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After i got to Sally's room I placed her down. "Sally !! You can't just say that okay...I want to be able to tell her that I love her. It's a big step in a relationship" Sally pouted and looked down. "I'm sorry Ben. I only said it because I thought she loved you too." I sighed and got down on my knees. "I'm sorry if I made you upset Sally. Hug it out ??" She looked back up to me with a smile. And nodded, hugging me.

"Come on. Let's go down. I can share my food with you." I picked her up. "Do you want to fly ?" she nodded. I smiled and floated down the stairs. (Y/N) and Jess were on the sofa. "Hi, sorry about earlier." I said as I put Sally down. (Y/N) just shook her head. "No no. You don't have to be sorry." I sighed. "Sally !! No getting the plate I'll get it for you !!"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I saw Ben rush into the kitchen, to get that plate before Sally drops it.  I looked at Jess and she was a smiling mess. "What ??"

"oH nO nEeD tO bE sOrRy BeNnY" she said mockingly. I glared at her. "Shut it !! And I told you. He doesn't like being called Benny." She just raises her eyebrows. "Then why did you call him Benny in your messages ??"

"That was one time !! And fuck you. You weren't meant to even look through my phone." She just giggles. "Oh I did~ And you are so in love~" I blushed and glared at her again. "Jess !! He's in the kitchen, he could hear you !!" I heard a noise from the kitchen and looked. Ben's head was looking into the room. Slightly red. Yep He heard it.

"Uh. That's a bit too late now...." He smiled sheepishly. before walking. well, floating into the room. I'm taking that he got Sally out of the kitchen when we weren't looking. "Please ignore what Jess said-" He got closer and was now right in front of me. With a smirk on his face. "Now, why would I ignore that ?? Dear (Y/N). It sounds like what Jess said is true~"

I gulped and took a deep breath. He can't be the only one who gets flustered today. I smiled and pulled his arm. So now he was practically on me. "So what ?? She is right. I do love you. So whatcha gonna do about, Benny ~??" The smirk on his face was now off. His eyes widened. He was speechless. Hah. Take that Ben. But before I could laugh and push him off. He smirked again and leaned in. Whispering in my ear. "Do you really wanna test me, when we are in front of your friend~?"

I gulped. Pretty sure I was a blushing mess right now. I felt Jess get off the sofa. Dear god. What is he gonna do ??


Hi everyone !! Two chapters in two days ?! omg I'm getting my mojo back.


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