{Chapter 16}

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"What ? Show me." I give her the paper and she scans it. "What the actual fuck. We won't know for sure if it is your uncle. It could just be another person called (u/n) (u/l/n) (uncles name, uncles last name )" I felt the panic rise through my body. "Jess, it's his address. I- I thought all of the times that people would talk about him was fake." Jessica put the paper in her pocket and took a hold of my hand.

"What did they tell you, (y/n) ?" I took a deep breath. "They said that they molested them but no one believed them. The police said nothing and I didn't believe either. Oh god, Jess- I'm related to a molester-" I felt my heart quicken, and my body sweat. "No, no, no-" I muttered to myself.

"(Y/n) ! Come on let's sit you down." She helped me sit down on the floor. I took deep breathes but nothing was working. I was having a panic attack. "Hold my hand, squeeze it alright ?" Jess said quietly as I squeezed her hand trying to calm myself. I haven't had this severe of a panic attack in years. "Shit, I haven't seen you like this what can I do to help ?" Jess said, clearly panicking and worried about me.

"B-Ben." She nodded. "Of course, who else to help than a childhood friend." She keeps one of her hands as mine as she takes my phone out of my back calling Ben. "Ben, it's an emergency. (Y/n) is having a panic attack- and he hanged up." She sighed and moved in closer, pulling me in, I rested my head on her chest and I took some deep breaths, trying to calm down. "One...two...three...fuck !" I shouted, I put my hands to my eyes.

"Why, why, why" I heard something and saw a worried Ben shoot out of my phone. "Sorry I took a while, I had to get this." He came over and handed me fidget slug. "W-what ?" I questioned at him. He shrugged and pulled me into him from Jess. "You go on and start the list. I'll take her where you need to be just message her the location." She nodded. "Alright. She'll be okay, right ?" Jess asked worried as I was playing with the fidget slug, while resting my head on his chest.

His heartbeat helping me calm down as well as the fidget slug. "Yeah. She just needs a bit of time." Jess left and Ben turned me around. "What's wrong ? Wanna talk about it ?" He said quietly. I nodded, talking about it helps me. He remembered. "I-I saw my uncles name and address on the paper." He nodded. Cupping my face. "Was it (u/n) ?" I nodded. "I heard about that I was worried he was going to give you that list. But." He pulled my head to look at him.

"This will be good to test your ability. Will you be able to kill your uncle even if he's family ?." I nodded. Wiping my tears. "Yes, after what I heard through my childhood, I know I must do it...thank you." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Of course, I will always be here for you, I love you." I laughed.

"I love you too." He helped me up and I gave him the fidget back. "Cant have the noise of that let out targets know we are there." He laughed and put it in his pocket. "Message Jess." I nodded and messaged her. "Alright. She knows we are about to go through her phone."

He nodded, grabbed my hand and put his phone out. "You ready ?" I nodded. "We've done this way to many time-AHHH" I yelled as we were sucked into it before I could finish my sentence. Ben put his hand over my mouth as we got out of Jess's phone.

"Alright. First target is the dad, he's home alone at the house right now as his ex wife has his child." Jess said pointing to the house. I smirked. "Are you ready to get our first kill ?" I asked Jess as I noticed Ben has disappeared back into the phone I grabbed her phone and gave it back to her.

"You bet your ass I am. Let's go"

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now