{ Chapter Two }

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We got to the gate of the college and left the gate. We turned right and went down to the graveyard. It's quite strange, but the graveyard is like the shortest way to go down to college from my house. So, I go down it again to get back home. "Can't we like ask to open the bloody gate earlier than usual??" I shook my head. "You know the person who has the keys will talk to my mother. And I can't have her knowing about me going down here again. But she will because she has some explaining to do." Jessica sighed. "Alright. Alright." We got to the gate to the graveyard. I threw my bag over the gate then jump on top. "Jess, give me ya bag." She laughed at the way I said the sentence.

"Here ya go, love~" She threw her bag up and I climbed down the other side. Grabbing my bag and placing hers down on the ground. "Climb over now!!" She climbed over and I stepped back, letting her go down on the ground. I gave her bag back and she took it. "Thanks." I nodded and we went down. "So. His grave would most probably be where the children's graves are." She nodded. And we went down to the where the children's graves where. We began our search. After a few poor children. Ages varying from 3-15. I finally stumbled upon Ben's grave. I read the message out loud.

"He was a wonderful friend for my daughter. His death will always be remembered...." Jessica came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Looks like your mother asked for a message from her to be put on it huh." I nodded feeling my eyes start to water again. "I miss you Ben...I-I'm sorry I couldn't come to your funeral. My mother didn't tell me. I promise you that I will beat that game you kept on having trouble beating. Just like I told you." Jessica giggled. "You two played games together a lot huh??" I nodded and took my phone out. Taking a photo of the grave and standing up. "Let's go and confront my mother." She nodded and we went down to my house.

We got to the gate. It was shorter so I yeeted myself over quickly. And Jessica does the same. "Alright let's go!!" We went down the road and a few houses down we got to my house. I opened my front door and walked into the front room. Jessica came in afterwards and closed the door behind her. My mum was already on the sofa. "(Y/N)? Why are you here early??" I went and sat down next to her. "Mum...our teacher talked about something when we went into class. And she said that it must be a hard day for me especially." Her eyes widened. "Wait is it 23rd April??" I nodded.

"I knew it was his birthday. But I always ignored it until I got to see him away. But, no one told me he DIED three years ago!!" She sighed. "Honey. I know it must be hard-"

"Hard?!! Hard?!! He was my BEST friend!! You would think I would have been told after the family knew!! You even had me put in the message on his gave. Yet you never told me!!" I could already feel the tears kick in. "Honey-" Jessica put a hand on my mums shoulder and shook her head. "Mum- please- don't. Let me be alone for a bit. Jess??" She nodded. "Alright. Do you want me to tell the school that you won't be coming into school tomorrow??" I nodded. "That would help. Thank you Jess." She nodded and left. I looked to my mum and she nodded. "At least let me give you some stuff. Go up to your room. I'll bring them up." I nodded and went upstairs.

I threw the bag down on the ground and flopped on my bed. I took my phone out and got out the photo of his grave. I smiled gently and put my phone on charge on the side cable. My stupid ass forgot to put it on charger last night so it was 20%. After a while my mum came into my room with a box. I looked at her confused. "His dad gave me his stuff. He told me that Ben would have wanted you to have them." My eyes widened and I walked over. "This is ALL mine now??" She nodded. "Yes. I'm sure Ben would be happy for you to have them. So you can go through them. I'll be down the stairs." My mum left the room. And I went to the box.

"Oh!! There's a few Xbox games, PC games. And his Nintendo 64 and games!!" I smiled and took out the stuff. I put everything in piles and sections of different stuff. I put piles of Xbox games. PC games. Nintendo 64 games. And a couple more. I smiled as I picked up the game me and Ben would try and beat everyday. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. "Aha. We never could get past the boss battle..." I put it in the pile then started putting everything away. "(Y/N)!! It's 12pm. Eat your lunch!!" I sighed and shouted back. "ALRIGHT!!" I got to my bag and took out my lunch. I flopped back on my bed and opened my lunch box.

While I was eating I started to hear a noise. Which sounded like my Ps3. I put my lunch down and went over to my Ps3. My eyes widened when I realised it was on. "What- how- I thought that was just my imagination- maybe I'm going crazy." I turned it off and went off to my bed and finishing my lunch. I finished my lunch and headed down the stairs. My mum was on the sofa having a phone call. I put the lunch box away and my mum called for me. "(Y/N)!! Jessica is on the phone."

"Okay ma." I went into the living room and took the phone from her. "Hey Jess."

"Hey girl!! You okay??" I giggled and flopped down on the sofa. "I'm better now. My mum gave me some of Ben's old games!! Y'know the game I would tell you about??"

"The one where you both try and beat the boss scene??" I nodded even though she couldn't see. "Yup. I even got that."

"Oh wow!! Are you gonna try and play it??"

"Most probably. I don't know if he had completed it. If he hasn't I'll be a good friend and take my time with beating it for him." Jessica giggled. "I'm sure he'll be happy if you do that." I smiled. "I hope so. Wanna have a sleepover tomorrow?"

"Oh hell yeah!! Maybe we could try and beat his game for him!!" I nodded, giggling. "Yeah!! We can do that."

"You know. I can come now. Nothing is happening right now."

"Sure!! Let me ask me mum." I lowered the home phone and looked at my mother. "Ma. Can Jess come over for a sleepover??" She nodded. "Of course." I smiled. "Thanks Ma!!" I took the phone up to my ear again. "Yup. You can come round now!!" She giggled saying yay. We said our goodbyes and I put the phone back. "Imma go take a quick shower." She nodded. "Alright. I'll call you down when Jess is here." I smiled and ran up the stairs. "Thanks mum!!" I went into my bed room and grabbed some random pjs. A sports bra and shorts. Its boiling. Me and Jess are both girls. So it'll be fine. We always wear this stuff on our sleepovers.

I went into the bathroom and went for a quick shower. Having Jess over will at least help me try and keep my mind off of Ben...

Bitch! I love how I've re written this. It's not too fast and. I bring Jessica in more. I hope you'll like this!! Well whenever you read it I guess XD. Love y'all~


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