{ Chapter Four }

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"Soooo. Who the fuck is this Link took a like?"

"This is going to be a lot of explaining. But let me start from the beginning." I looked at BEN and he nodded. "You know the friend who I just found out died three years ago today?" She nodded. "Yes, Benjamin. Why are you asking me this?" I got up and rummaged through my drawer. I found a picture of BEN six years ago. I went back over, sat on the bed and held the picture next to BEN. I looked over at BEN and remembered him crying blood. I put the picture down and shot up. "While you realise this Imma just get tissue so we can stop your tears of blood from dripping on my bed."

BEN nodded and I rushed into the into the bathroom. I got some tissue and came back. I gave him the tissue and he tries to clean himself the best as he possibly could. "Soooo. Have you figured it out yet?" she nodded. "I think so." I sat back down. "He's....Ben?" he looked up and nodded. "I know I don't really look the same. But some stuff and here I am." I laughed. "Basically he's still the same BEN I knew." I smiled. Feeling my heart do a little leap of joy.

I'm so happy....that he's not really....dead.

"Okay. But. How the fuck are we meant to well. Tell everyone?" My eyes widened. She was right. I looked at him. He shrugged. "I don't even know why I'm here. Slender just told me to go to this house." I looked at him then it clicked. "Slender? Do you mean Slenderman?" He nodded. "Yup. He kind of takes us in. When we have nowhere to go." He then stands up. "I kind of have to go now anyways. Jeff wanted to play a game and I'd said I'd play." he walks over to the tv and looks back at me.

"Your tv is way too high for me to go back through though. May I use your phone?" I nodded and took my phone out. I gave it to him and he puts it on the floor. He winks at me then jumps, glitching right into my phone. My eyes widened and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Jessica looks at me then at my phone. Then back at me. "One. YOU STILL LIKE HIM. And two. Did. He. Just. Glitch. Through. Your. Phone?" I gulped and looked at her. "One. Yes. And two. I think he did-"

We looked at each other then at the phone. I went and grabbed it. The screen was on the notepad and it had a message on it. "Interesting photo gallery, (Y/N) ;)" I could feel my cheeks heat up again. "BEN!!" Jessica just laughed her ass off. "He sure is gonna make life more interesting huh? Welp. Let's go back down to finish dinner and head to bed. We have school tomorrow." I nodded getting off the notes and putting my phone back in my pocket. We went back down the stair and mum put re-heated plates on the table.

"There you go, girls." I smiled and sat back down to the table. "Thanks ma." We finished the dinner and ran up the stairs. "Sooo. You gonna sleep in my bed like we normally do ?? Or go in the floor ??"

"(Y/N), I'll use the floor. Just incase Ben decided to appear~" I could feel my cheeks heat up and my eyes widened. "JESS !!" I chased her into my room "AHAHA I KNEW THAT'LL MAKE YOU GO FLUSTERED !!" I teeter myself at her and we fell to the ground. Next to the high ass tv. "Oh my god I hate you-"

"No you don't~ now come on. We gotta get ready for bed." I got off of her and I threw her some pjs. She went to the bathroom and I placed my phone on the bed and started to get changed. It's hella hot so both of us decided to wear a top and shorts. Jessica came in and closed the door behind her. "Sooo. Why don't you tell me about Ben ??" I giggled. "What do you want to know about ??" She rolled her eyes. "Oh you know~ how you guys met. And how you realised you liked him ??"

I could feel myself blush. "R-really ??" She nodded. She quickly turned off the lights which made the room dark. She turned on her phone torch. "Your mum expects us to be asleep so we'll have to be careful." I nodded. "Alright. Well- we knew each other since we were little actually. Our mothers were friends. Before she died. He was really happy. Something snapped in his dad...and then he had to move away. I'm still not too sure what happened."

"Oh...I guess he's a bit down that he couldn't see his mum again since he was well brought back to life for some reason." I nodded. "Yup. But, he's a lot happier now. More so then what he was like three years ago. Right before he left. He told me he'd find me again. And he did." She looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I glared at her. "Jessssssss. What's with that look." She laughed.

"You still haven't told me how you found like you liked him~"I rolled my eyes. "Fineee. Well. How I found out about it. Was simply- I started to realise I was acting differently around him then my other friends. I became a blushing mess around him. And only him. You know. The normal things you get when you have a crush."

"And he's always been a flirt ??" She asks with a smirk. "Yes....which made me even more embarrassed when I'm near him. Since he never realised what he made me feel like." She nodded. "And you never got the chance to tell him I guess ??" I nodded. "Yup. Because he was forced to move before I had the chance." She smirked at me again. "And now you have that chance~" I rolled my eyes again. "Yes yes...perhaps I do..." She giggled and got off the bed and onto the floor. "Jess. You aren't going to be sleeping on the floor without anything are you ??"

She laughed. "Of course not. I forgot where the extra stuff are." I giggled. "Their in the cupboard in the washing room. Near the down the stairs toilet."

"Alright." She left and went to get some covers and all of that jazz. I plopped onto the bed and let out a sigh. "God. Today was a rolar coaster. And I got school tomorrow." I stuffed my face into my pillow. I took my phone out and placed it on the bed near me. I put music on and smiled. "Time for bed !!" I waited for Jessica and then went to bed.

I hope I can see Ben again tomorrow...


Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now