{ Chapter 11}

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Oi, (Y/N) come on. Wake up" I was awoken by Jessica shaking me awake. "Okay okayyyy. I'm up. Let's go." I got up and helped Jessica get the tent back into the bag. "Alright let's actually get to that lake."

We got walked again and to the lake. After a while we finally got to the lake. "FINALLY WE ARE AT THE LAKE !!" I yelled. Jessica just faced palmed. "Calm down. It's down this way." I nodded and followed Jessica. We walked until we got to a big ass mansion.

"Oh. My. Satan. It's GIGANTIC." Both me and Jessica stared in awe. "Alright we need to actually get in." She nodded and we walked to the door. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. A face I recognised from Eyeless Jack showing me everyone on the way to Ben's room last time.

"OH- HI (Y/N) !!" I giggled. "Hi Toby !! This is my friend. Jessica. She kinda knows too much so I was wondering if she could come in with me ??. I'd love to be here with her." Toby nodded. "That's fine. Slender did tell us that he'd accept it."

"Really ?!!" He nodded. I looked at Jessica and we both jumped up and down happily. We went in. And I felt a small body hug me. I looked down and saw Sally. "Hi big Sister (Y/N) !!" I smiled. "Hi Sally !!" I turned around to Jessica. "This is Jessica. My best friend." Sally nodded and let go of me and hugged Jessica. She giggled and hugged back.

"Oh Big sister (Y/N) ?? Ben said he'll be in the living room waiting for you." I nodded.
"Alright thank you, Sally." She nodded and ran away. I looked over to Toby. "I'm so sorry but could you take us to the living room ??" He nodded. "Of course. This way." We closed the door behind us and followed Toby. We got to two big doors and Toby opened them. To show Ben. Sitting there. Well no. Actually floating there playing something.

"BENNNN !!" I shouted. Causing him to literally fall onto his ass. "Oww- (Y/N) did you really need to shout my na- (Y/N) !!" He sat right up and ran up to me and hugged me. "You're here !!"

"Yup !! Hi darling." I giggled. He just chuckled and pulled my chin up. Giving me a quick peck on the lips. Making me pout. "You are meant to kiss me properlyyyyyy" he smirked and kissed me longer. We pulled away and he looked up at Jessica. "Hi Jessica."

"Helloooo Ben. Do you know where we will hitch the night ?" Sally came running in. "Slender said that big sister (Y/N) will be staying with Ben. And Big sister Jessica will be saying with me !!"

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now