{Chapter 17}

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We sneaked towards a window. Taking my bag off my back. "Jess could you make sure no one is around ?" She nodded and looked around. "No one is around."

"Alright." I took out a crow bar. And placed it into the window. "Are you ready ?" She nodded, and I pulled onto it managing to open. The window. Made some noise. "Shit. Come on get in quickly." I grab my bag and climbed into the window, Jess following. Closing the window behind her. We kept knelt down, walking down to the bedroom. The door ajar. Looking in, the light was on and no one was in there.

"Alright perfect come let's get in. He must be in the bathroom lucky us." I opened the door fully and we got in. Walking to the bed I take my bag off and get out my face mask. "You got one right ?" She nodded putting hers on. I search through my bag finding my poisonous gas. "Go hide in the corner. I'll be by the door." She nodded and got to the corner.

I stood by the door waiting for the man. The door opened fully. Me being fully behind the door. "That's weird I swear my door wasn't that much open." When he got into the room fully I slam the door close. "That's before we're here. Close the window !" I tell Jess as I grabbed him by the arm.

Twisting it before kneeing him in his leg causing him to double over. Him groaning in pain as I got him keeling over his stomach. I quickly sat on him and wrapped a piece of cloth around his arms. Jess had gotten the window. "Why are you doing this ?" The man says through pain.

"We know what you are, Jason." I looked at her confused but then I got what she was trying to do. "Yeah, did you really think it wouldn't come out ?" I said, kicking him with my leg. "Ow- I'm sorry if I hurt you or anyone. I have no idea what you mean !." I sighed. "J can you check the house ? I want to figure out what he's hiding from us before we kill him." She nodded and went looking. "You want to kill me ?"

"Oh yeah. But you're not the only one. No need to feel special. "Uh you might want to have a look at this !" I heard Jess shout. "Shit she found it didn't she..."

"What the fuck- TAKE IT TO ME IF YOU CAN !"


"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. COME BACK HERE LETS KILL THIS ASSHOLE." She came back and I smashed the the glass to let out the the gas. I quickly tie his feet. "What are you- oh god" he struggled out between coughs from the gas.

"Come on Jess we gotta discard the glass pieces. But we aren't leaving until he dies, alright ?" She nodded. "Got it." We quickly got the glass pieces into a little bag and put them into Jess's bag. And we just sat there. Waiting for this man to die.

------after the man finally dies-------

"And hes dead now, hopefully." I knelt down beside his body and searched for a pulse not finding one. "Yep." Jess let out a sigh. "Thank god, so what do we do with the body ?" I stood up and shrugged. "I honestly dont know. I know that the others normally leave the body so we could technically do that. You can do your touch if you want to."

I said smiling stepping back. She stared at the body, thinking. "Nahh. Cant really be bothered. We are literally helping the world. Lets go." I nodded and we went to the window that we snuck in from and climbed out. I closed the window.

Jess looks at the list again and looks up at me. "You ready ?" I nodded. We sneaked round to a road before finding a alleyway to hide in. "Who's our next target ?" She checks the list again. "Uhhh. Oh- OH HAH-" She laughed as she handed me the list. "I think we read the list wrong a bit. Not only do we have to kill your so called uncle-"

I read the list and saw who she meant. "Wait, no way. As in my ex Dillon ?" she nodded. "Damn bro, do you thinking that Ben talked to Slender about it ?" She laughed. "Probably not surprised. I mean as you said yourself, he saw that Dillon was still obsessed with me."

"Yep, well then. (Y/n), are you ready to kill your dick of a ex ?"

"Do you even need to ask ? Fuck yeah."


HI Y'ALL. Im so so so sorry for the very and I mean very late update for this and any of my books. I've been so tired due to college and now work. So enjoy this reletively short new chapter. I love y'all !

~ Yona

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