{Chapter 12}

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I looked at Sally. And went onto my knees. "Thank you for telling us Sally." I opened my arms and she hugged me. "It's alright big sister (Y/N). Ben should take you to your room and I'll take Big sister Jessica to mine !!" I giggled as she grabbed Jessica and dragged her upstairs. "This is a huge mansion isn't it ??" He nodded and grabbed my hand. "Yep. Alright let's get to our room."

"Alright !!" I giggled and followed Ben as we went up the stairs. And they are big ass stairs. Put in mind that this is a mansion. So we had to go up. THREE sets of stairs to get onto the floor where Ben's room is. I mean why does this mansion have so many stairs. Eh anyways we walked to a door which has Ben's name carved into the side. Like every other door. "Here we are." He opened the door and let me in. He decided to float into the room. Dear Satan I really need to remember he does that.

"Ben really ??" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. Causing him to lose balance and literally fall. Onto. Me. "Ow. We really need to stop doing that-" Ben stopped his sentence and he was looking at me in the face. "B-Ben ?? Are you alright ??" I said poking his cheek. "U-Umm yeah. I'm good. Sorry" he said getting up. Pulling me with him. "Your top..." I looked down and realised with the full. He managed to rip my top. "BEN !! WHY DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING !!" I covered myself frantically.

"I'M SORRY WHAT WAS I MEANT TO SAY !!" I glared at him then just turned around. "A shirt. Give me a shirt." I heard some shovelling and then Ben poked my shoulder. "Here." I grabbed the shirt and took mine off and put it on. "Thank you, Ben..." I mumbled. He grabbed my arm and span me around. "You are welcome." He said smiling. Before kissing me gently. "I'll leave for now. You get your stuff sorted. And I'll have something for you to eat once you are down."

"Thank you Ben." I hugged him before he left and I began unpacking stuff. I heard the door open and turned to find Jessica. She was beaming. "Okay what happened !!" I tilted my head. "What do you mean ?"

"Ben came out of the room blushing. And then I come in to see you in a different shirt." My cheeks lit up and I puffed out my cheeks. "He just fell onto me. He was floating so I kinda pulled him to get down and then I slipped and then he fell onto me. Ripping my shirt in the process." Jessica just stared at me. Beaming. "That explains EVERYTHING. Come one, you unpacked ?? Someone Is cooking up something and it smells delish."

"Yeah I'm nearly finished. Just gonna put my phone on charge. I'm sure there's a cable in here that isn't being used by all of his computers and that. You go down. I'll meet you there." She nodded and left. I looked around and saw one by the window. "Ah perfect." I plug my charger in it. And plugged my phone in, placing it on the windowsill. "Alright !! Time to get down the stairs."

I head out of the door. And try my best at finding my way down the three flight of stairs and into the living room. Fun times.

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now