{Chapter 20}

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"God, we're finally back" I said groaning as we walked through the front door of the mansion, when we immediently got jumoscared by Slenderman appearing randomly. "Ah you're bac-"

"AHHH. God, so sorry, Slender. You scared us" Jess said after we calmed down from screaming. Slenderman cleared his throat and stood with his hands behind his back. "Ah, sorry about that you two. I tend to teleport in front of you. But, congratulations you two have officailly proved to me that you would be a benefit to me. So, welcome to the family"

Both me and Jess smiled as, "thank you for the offical welcome, we look forward to working with everyone" I said with a smile, Slenderman nodded to us and then teleported to where I'm guessing his office.

"Welp, I'm knackered, so I'm gonna head to bed now" Jess said yawning as she left to the stairs. I nodded stretching, "I was thinking the same thing" I followed after her, she went off to Sally's room where shes staying and I went to Ben's room, I saw that the door was ajar, so I poked my head in and saw Ben was floating with his legs crossed while playing a game.

I grinned cheekily as I sneaked into the room, but before I could do anything my bag hit the door, making it squeak, causing Ben to look back. He had an annoyed expression until he saw it was me and smiled.

"(Y/n) ! You're back, how was your first killing spree ?" he asked as he floated over, going upside down in front of me. I laughed shaking my head. "It was fun, but I am exstremely tired, so I'm going to take a shower then go to bed" I threw the bag on the ground, and turned to leave.

"Hey ! aren't you going to kiss your boyfriend ?" he said, I turned around and saw that he was pouting, I laughed and sighed. "What, do you want to do the spiderman kiss ?" he looked at me and smirked. "Oh, that's exactly what I wanna do, so come here"

I laughed rolling my eyes as I stepped forward and kissed him, he kissed me back, and then pulled away. "Go take that shower, babe" he said with a wink and went back to his games. 'what a idiot' I thought to myself. I shook my head and smiled walking out of his, oh my bad our room and headed to the bathroom.

I'd say that this has been one of my favourite month this year.


AHHH ITS FINISHED. After nearly TWO YEARS, I've finally finished it, I'm so sorry for my extremely bad updating skills while I was writing this book, but thank you for sticking with me through these beautiful 2 years of my writing on wattpad ! If you liked this book, I would recommend checking out my other books, but dont feel pressured to if you dont want to ! thank you so much for reading "Ben....you're back ?!!" yes I know I messed up the spelling of you're but I'm too lazy to fix the cover as I've finished the book

~ Yona

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now