{ Chapter Seven }

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was sure I'm a blushing mess by now. "Umm- sorry Ben. Ahaha. Jessica likes to be annoying." I giggled nervously. "It's okay. I've never really been in a situation like this before." I sighed. "Let me just check if there is anyone appearing." I went to get up. But Ben grabbed my arm. "Don't leave me under the table. There could be a cup off water on top and I could knock it over." My eyes widened. And I started to laugh.

"W-what's so funny, (Y/N) ??" I giggled. "I see you still have your phobia of ocean. But it's turned to water as well now since you were drowned." He glared at me. "Okay okay okay." I got out and held my hand out. He took it and we got out. I picked up my phone and it was on notes. Jessica has put a message on it. "Enjoy your time in the room. I locked it before leaving. Gonna call the teacher. You know how bad they are at finding keys ;) - Jessica, omg. JESSICAAAA !!!" I screamed.

I went over to the door Ben following afterwards. I tried to open the door but it's it didn't budge. "Ughh, she didn't lie. She really did lock the door." I plopped down onto one of the seats and Ben sat on the desk in front of me. I raised my eyebrow.

"What ??" he just laughed. "What- I can't just leave you alone here." I sighed. "Why did she lock us up in here anyways ??" My eyes widened and I started to panic. "I-It's nothing- really !! Ahaha" I scratched my head sheepishly. He leaned in closer. "You sureee~??" I scoot the chair backwards. "Y-yes, I'm s-sure. D-don't worry."

"You are becoming a nervous stuttering mess, (Y/N). I know when you are lying~"

Oh shit- darn it Jessica !! You knew this would happen.

"Ahaha- Y-you sure ?? Why would I be lying ??" I kept on scooting away and Ben just floated closer to me. Darn it- I forgot he's a ghost. Of course he can float. "(Y/N). You know you can tell me anything. Have I ever lied to you ??" I shook my head. "No. You haven't." He dropped to the ground and placed a hand on the arm of the chair and one on the other arm of the chair. "It's just us in this room right now. So why can't you tell me ??" I took a deep breath

"BecauseitinvolvesyouandimscaredyouwontwantobemyfriendanymoreafterItellyou" I coughed due to me just saying that without any pauses. I looked at Ben and his eyes widened. Oh shit he understood it. "It involves me ?? And you're afraid I won't want to be your friend anymore if you told me ??" I laughed sheepishly. "Y-yes ahaha. But how did you understand me ??"

"Toby speaks fast when he needs to go somewhere so I've gotten used to it." I sighed. "Jessica probably locked us in together for me to tell you this something...It's been years you know. Since We've seen each other and now what I feel has gotten deeper.."

"What do you mean ??" I smiled. "Slender asked if I wanted to join you guys. He said he'll give me till tomorrow to give an answer. But I've already got it. I want to join you guys-"

"Wait wait wait- you WANT to join us ?? But why ??" I sighed. "That's what I'm about to tell you Ben." He laughed. "Alright. Carry on."

"I want to join you guys. Because I want to be WITH you Ben. This may be weird and strange- but I've liked you for a while Ben. Before you died. Before you left I was meant to tell you but you left before so...so I guess. I'll say it now. Ben I like you. Like like you. More than a friend. And I'd understand if you didn't like me back-"

"Who says I wouldn't like you ?? Dear satan you sure are oblivious. I like you too. And I have since we were little. Every one of our friends knew. That's why they forced us into rooms alone but I guess neither of us had the courage." I nodded. I looked up at Ben. He had somehow gotten closer. I yelped and fell off the chair. He laughed. He held out his hand and I held it. He helped me up. And pulled me close. "Well. Knowing this turned out terrible with Toby I'll just do it this way."

"What-" He pulled me in and kissed me. My eyes widened and he pulled back. "Oh sorry maybe I shouldn't have-" I giggled and pulled him down a little. I kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back.

The door suddenly opened and Ben let go off my quickly floating to the ceiling. "I'm so sorry it took so long, (Y/N). Are you okay ??" I was a blushing mess and the teacher looked at me with concern. "(Y/N) ?? Are you okay ??"

"O-oh y-yeah. Umm. May I be excused. And can Jessica come with me ??. Something reminded me of Ben..." the teacher nodded. "Of course dear. Just come and collect your bag." I nodded and the teacher left. "What the- she really wasn't asking what happened-"

"It's because I erased their memories of the moment that happened~" Ben whispered into my ear and I jumped. Elbowing him in the face. He was floating upside down. "Ow !! (Y/N) why was that for ??"

"R-revenge for surprising me with a kiss !!" I yelled. The door that was closed opened again and Jessica appeared. She had a look of surprise on her face. "YOU KISSED HER ?!" Now it was both me and Ben's turn to turn beat red. "Let's just go !!" I yell as I grabbed my bag from Jessica and grabbed Ben's hand. Dragging him from the ceiling.

"(Y/N). You do remember I can just meet you at your house ??" He said pointing at my phone. I sighed and took it out. "Please be careful with my tv. You made a huge bang."

"It's not my fault that your tv is so goddamn high." I giggled and put it on the ground. "Just gooo." He just smirked and quickly kissed me on the lips before glitching into my phone. My whole body turned red from embarrassment. And Jessica squealed. "AWWW HE KISSED YOU !!" I shoved my phone back into my pocket and grabbed Jessica's hand.

"Shut it !! People are going to hear !!" She giggled. "Okay okay. But what did he need you for ??" I sighed. I had a feeling telling her this. Is going to be hard. Oh I know !! Maybe she could come with me !!. "It's not him that needed to talk to me. It was slenderman. I'll tell you when we get home !!." Her eyes sparkled at the mention of Slenderman. I knew it. I just hope that they'll accept her as well...


I like this rewritten chapter better. I hope you don't mind !! Enjoy~

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