{Chapter 18}

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V

We got close to Dillon's house. "Shit, the front room's light on. That means him or his parents are up this is going to be difficult." Jess pondered for a moment. "Cant we just use the 'checking up on your son' move due to what happened in class ?"

I looked at her and shook my head. "Jess, that would make her suspicious and turn the police to us once she finds her son dead. Lets just check to see if his parents car's are here." I walked crouched Jess following behind me. I got to where the car should be and couldn't see it. "Fuck yeah. His parents aren't here. Lets go."

I looked under a spot and found the spare key. "He left it at the same place after we broke up ? Damn he is stupid ?" Jess laughed. "He really is stupid. He must be in the living room." I unlocked the door and opened it, expecting to hear Dillon and heard nothing.

Walking into the living room we were surprised to see Dillon tied down, Ben floating just above him. "Surprise." He said, smiling. I laughed. "Thanks babe." Jess thanked him too, and I took off the tape covering Dillon mouth.

"You bitch ass boyfriend is trying to kill m-" before he could finish his sentence I slapped him in the face. He looked at me in shock, I have never slapped him before. "God that felt good. Also Dillon, he has been a whole lot of a better boyfriend Thank you, asshole. And now, I have to kill you. And I'll gladly do that." I took my bag off my back and opened it taking out the knife I had packed.

"Jess, could you do the honours ?" I asked gesturing to the ropes around Dillon. "Oh I would love to." She went over, Ben got back onto the floor and came behind me, his arm around my waist.

Jess Pulled the rope off his arms replacing it with the barb wire she had put in her bag, typing it tight to make sure it pierced him. He hissed at the pain as she did it to his legs too. "He's all yours."

I walked over and pushed down onto his back. I I got down on my knees behind his head. And held the knife above him. "Say hello to Satan for me, asshole." And stabbed him in the heart. Watching as his live leaves his body.

"That felt a bit too good." I laughed. "That's good, it means that you will fit right in with us, (Y/n)." Ben said, making me smile. "Alright we got to dissapear and kill the rest of the list."

We had managed to kill everyone on the list and now here we were. Standing in front of my uncles house. The man that I haven't seen in years, the man that had abandoned my family. Turns out to be someone I clearly didn't know.

Jess squeezed my hand. "We can do this, (Y/n)." I nodded. "I know, I know. I just cant believe that he would be on the list. I'm scared to know why." She sighed and turned to face me. "(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n). You are going to go in there, and kill the man that had abandoned your entire family, not because our boss told us. But because it will let you feel at ease knowing he wont try and come back into your life."

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Thanks Jess, I love you." She smiled back and hugged me. "I love you too, now lets kill some asshole !" We got to the house and I took a deep breath, knocking. A minute later, the door opened. Revealing a much older version of the man I remember. "(Y/n) ?"

"Hi uncle."

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now