{Chapter 15}

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Ben got closer and kissed me. Kissing him back I cup his face. He pulled back. "Did she go ?" He asked. Which I'm guessing is Jessica. "Yep. She got up." He smirked. "Good." He pulled me closer laying his head on my chest. "Comfy there, Benny ?" He hummed in response. Smiling I stroked his head. I heard some static and saw Slenderman entering the room. "Good morning, (Y/N)." You smiled.

"Good morning, Slender." Ben shot up from my chest and ended up slamming on the roof. "Ow. Ow. Hi Slender." He rubbed his head before floating back down. I laughed and pulled him down to me. I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. "You'll be fine." I looked back to Slender. "Is there anything you need, sir ?"

"Yes. I have a task for you and Jess as your first day as proxies. But first I must do something." Jessica was snapped into the room by slenderman. She was confused as well. "WHAT THE FUCK- oh right. He can do that. Hi slender." Me and Ben laughed. Which in return for us glared at by Jessica.

"What is it, Slender." He motioned towards Ben. And he pulled down his shirt's arm showing a symbol. "This is a proxy symbol. Is it what shows you are a proxy of slenderman. It'll only hurt for a second." Ben explained. Both me and Jess gulped. Slender spoke again.

"Bring your right arm's up and I will do it" we both put our arms out and two of Slenders tentacles grabbed onto your arms and carved the symbol on it. And damn did that hurt. But Ben didn't lie. The pain only lasted for a second. "Okay. You two are now ready for your first mission. Go put on your outfits." We both nodded and I went to walk to Ben's room. Ben followed after me. "Do you need any help with your outfit~" I laughed. "Ben if you want me to match you, just ask." I said as I winked at him.

"Hey !! You aren't supposed to be the flirty one !!" He moaned. Making me laugh. "We can both be the flirty ones. We are in a relationship after all !!" We got into the room and I went through my clothes finding a outside.

(Chose from these two. I prefer the second one but yeah lmao)

 I prefer the second one but yeah lmao)

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I chose my outfit and got changed

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I chose my outfit and got changed. Packing my bag with my gear. Can't go out killing without your shit. I looked at Ben and did a spin. "So, what do you think ?" He was looking at me mouth agape. "You.."

"I what ?" I asked nervously. What if I looked bad ?. "You look so fucking hot babe." He said smirking and pulling me close. Kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. Wrapping my arms around his neck. Our make out session was disturbed by Jess.

Who was ready as well. "I'm sorry to disturb you two love birds. But me and (Y/N) have some killing to do." I stick my tongue out at her and kissed Ben one last time before letting go. "Bye Ben. We'll be back." He smacked my ass as I walked past him. "Bye babe. I'll be in here when you get back."

I rolled my eyes and jokingly put my middle finger out at him. He laughed. Doing the same back at him. Jess looked at me and just bursted out laughing. "Your face when I disturbed your mini make out session !!" I pouted and dragged her down the stairs. "Come on. We gotta get our list of people to kill."

She nodded and we got back into the living room. Where EJ was waiting. "Oh hi Jack." I said waving at him. He looked up and waved back. "Hi (Y/N). And (Y/N)'s friend" my eyes widened when I realised they haven't met.

"Oh shit I forgot. Jessica. Meet Jack. Jack. Meet Jessica." I said as I pulled Jessica. In front of me. She was frozen solid. "O-oh. H-hi. Jack." She said. Nervously. "Hi. It's nice to meet you Jessica." Jack took off his mask and smiled taking her hand. "I have to go now but. I hope to see you again." Jack winked at Jessica and left. I looked at Jess. Eyes widened and mouth agape. She turned to me. Her cheeks slightly red. "Don't. Say. A. Word."

"YOU LIKE JACK !!" I shouted which caused Jess to attack me to the floor. "SHUT UP. I TOLD YOU TO NOT SAY A WORD." She was bright red now. "AHAHA. I'M SORRY IT'S JUST HILARIOUS." We calmed down and Slender came in. "Just to warn you. The whole mansion might have heard that."

Jess glared at me again. And I laughed nervously. "Anyways. Here is the list. Because you two a new I'll have you two kill together. Then later on when I'm sure you are capable. I'll send you off separately." We nodded. "Okay Slender." He nodded then left the room.

"Now off you two go." We left the mansion with the list of people. I looked through the names and I stoped dead in my steps. A name and an address stared right me. "Jess..." she stopped and turned. "Yeah ?"

"Why is my uncles name on here ?"

Ben....you're back ?!! (BEN DROWNED X READER)Where stories live. Discover now