{ Chapter Five }

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"Morning girls !!" I groaned as I opened my eyes. Seeing my mum open the curtains. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and nod. "Alright mum. *Yawn*"

"Why are you sleeping on the floor, Jessica ??" She giggled. "I just wanted to, I guess." my mum sighed. "Alright. Just get down alright. Your dad has made you girls some breakfast." My eyes lit up and I shot up. "DAD'S BREAKFAST IS THE BEST !!" my mum laughed and left the room. Jessica looked over at me and laughed. "Aww shoot. I forgot to bring clothes." I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, Jess. You can borrow some clothes." She jumped up and down happily. "Thank youuuuu." I laughed and rolled my eyes again.

I went to the closet and took out my black skirt which has (any accessorie[s] you'd like on a skirt) and (favourite band) shirt. And picked up a (favourite colour) jacket. "Yo, Jess. Should I wear some heels today ??" she looked over at me as she was getting into a skirt. "Bitch, yes !! You'll look stunning !!" I laughed and got into the clothes. I pick up my favourite pair of heels and put them on. Jessica grabs her bag and throws me mine. "Thanks." She nodded and we both ran down the stairs.

My dad had just placed down two plates of the famous English Breakfast. "Good morning, girls." We smiled. "Morning dad !!"

"Morning Mr (L/N)." We both went to the table and ate the breakfast. I took my phone out and checked the time. "Oh shit- it's 6:50am and we have college at 8am" Jessica laughed. "We have just over an hour we're fine. We can just go through the graveyard again." I face palmed. "I panic over everything ."

"Indeed you do. Let's just finish our breakfast and head out." I nodded and we finished the breakfast.

"Thanks dad. It was delicious." my dad smiled. "It's alright. Now- get to college girls !!" we giggled and hopped off the chairs. "Aight. Let's go Jess !!" I opened the door and hopped out. Jessica comes through. "Let's gooo" she grabs my hand and rushes behind my house. To the graveyard. We rushed through it and got behind the school. "Here we areee" I giggled and and dragged her this time. We went through the gate and got into the building.

"What's the time ??" I asked. Jessica took her phone out. "It's 7:50am- OH SHIT" she grabbed my hand and rushed up the stairs. And into our classroom. We rushed to our seats at the back. "(Y/N), Jessica. If you are going to be late. Make sure you come into class quietly." She laughed sheepishly. "Sorry Ms Jenkins. We'll try not to be late."

"Oh and (Y/N). Okay there's a note here for you on the desk." I tilted my head in confusion but went to the desk. She handed me a letter. "Do you know who it's from ??" The teacher shook her head. "I'm not sure. I think they said a boy your age a little taller than you. He looks a little like Link." I looked at Jessica and she smirked. I took it and went back to my seat. Jessica peeked over my shoulder to see what it is.

"Soooo ?? What does it say ??"

"Let me see....it says 'might want to put your phone on the desk~' I what- oh wait-" I frantically got my phone out of my pocket and onto the table. Just in time- the phone glitched and a message is on it.

" 'I know you won't want me to just appearing when you are in class- so call me when you want to meet up ;) 075**** ******' holy shit- Ben gave me his number-" my eyes widened in shock. Jessica was giggling this time. I glared at her making her stop. "Whatttt ??"

"Give him in a call !! Go and make your ex jealousssss~" My eyes widened when I looked and saw Dylan and I smirked. "Anything to make that jerk pay." Jessica. Laughed. "You go girl !!" I giggled and pulled up the phone pad. I typed in his number. After a few rings- he answered.

"BEN !! WHERE IS JEFF ?!" My eyes widened and I put my phone away from my ear. Because whoever was screaming- was screaming loud.

"I DONT KNOW, WHY DONT YOU ASK JACK. HE WAS WITH HIM LAST !! I'm so sorry (Y/N) the mansion is hectic right now. Jeff decided to go on a killing-"

"Don't say that word when I'm in school !!" I whisper yelled into the phone.

"Oh right. Sorry (Y/N) he went out and didn't come back."

"Oi. Who are you on the phone with ??"

"A friend doofus. Do you know where exactly Jeff is ?? Masky was yelling like crazy at me."

"You think I would know ?? I last saw him leave the house mad." I giggled. "Ben. I can hand up with you want ??"

"Wait no- sorry. I'll call you back in a minute." He hung up and I looked at my phone in confusion. "Wow- that mansion sure is crowed." Jessica laughed. "(Y/N). Who were you on the phone with ??" My eyes widened as I looked over at our teacher. Who was looking directly at me. "Uh- I-" I felt my phone buzz on the table and glitch. "I- BEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" I screamed putting my hands over my phone. Ben's hand grabbed mine and pulled me through. I was now being pulled through this weird glitchy air.

Until suddenly I fell out of a tv with Ben's arm wrapped around me. "Sorry for that. Anyways- welcome to the mansion !!" My eyes widened and I tried to get off of Ben. But he still had his arms around me. "B-Ben- let go of me-" I said. Not knowing where to hide my blushing face. I stuffed it into his chest. I heard him chuckle. "Why should I let go ?? You're super duper cute and cuddly like this~" I could feel my face go redder. I felt like I was going to become a blushing mess. But someone ended up saving me.

"Ben. She asked you politely. So let go off our guest. I'm sorry Ms (L/N) Ben here clearly hasn't mentally matured." I giggled and Ben finally let go off me. I stood up, feeling myself get a bit wobbly on the heels I was wearing. The person who came into the room at the right time took a hold of my shoulder. Stopping me from falling.

I could finally get a full look at the person who saved me. She has a clock instead of a right eye. "It's alright. I'm used to Ben being like this. But, thank you...?" She smiled holding out her hand. "The names Clockwork. Nice to meet you, Ms (L/N)" I smiled and took her hand. And shook it.

"Please. Call me (Y/N). But why am I here ??" Ben got off the floor and brushed dust off himself. "Before you called and before Jeff decided to go on a killing spree. Slender asked to meet you in person." I tilted my head in confusion. "Wait- HE wants to meet ME ??" Clockwork and Ben both nodded. "He asked me to collect you. He said that Ben will have to do something to explain why (Y/N) was dragged through her phone."

"Oh yeah- WHY DID YOU DO THAT BEN ?!" I looked at him directly into his eyes. "S-sorry. Slender wanted you here soon so I had to..."

"Ugh. Ben- here is my schedule. Before you drag me through my phone screen- check what I'm doing at a specific hour." He nodded. "Alright alright. I'll glitch a message on your phone for Jessica to see."

"Good. Alright. Clockwork. We don't want to keep Slenderman waiting !!" She nodded and walked out. Me following behind. This mansion is huge...guess I might be coming back here a lot. Better get used to the format of the building !!


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