{ Chapter Six }

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"Alright time to fix all of this." I got my phone and got into her contact. And sent a message. "And there we go"

BEN: Jess ?? Are you there ??

Y/N: Yup. You do realise that it looked like Kidnapping.

BEN: I know I know. I got told to fix this but I don't how to fix this.

Y/N: You are technically just a computer glitch in the computer right ??

BEN: Technically yes. Hmm. Does (Y/N) have anyone that she hates in the class ??

Y/N: Yup. Her ex. He's a dick. Wait- could you hack into his phone and make him think you kidnap her ??

BEN: I could...you know what. Give me a few minutes. What's his name, age and device if you know.

Y/N: Aight. His name is Dylan. Age is 17 he's in the same year but was born a year before us. And his phone is a Samsung Galaxy S5

BEN: Wait- he has that phone ? I'm dead and I still have a better phone than him. Alright. Just give me a few minutes and I'll hack into his phone.

I put my phone down and hopped onto the chair next to my computers. I start hacking away. Trying to find a Dylan that is 17 and go to (your college.) and I found it. And his phone type. "Alright. Time to hack into this poor fuckers phone." I started hacking into his phone and got in. My eyes widened as I went into his photos. "Holy Satan's tiny toe- he is sure obsessed with her-" I hopped into the other computer. "Time to humiliate him." I hacked into the screen.

And I'm 100% sure that it got all glitchy now so I put a usb and plugged it into the computer and uploaded everything that goes against Dylan. And then put it all into the other computer and and put it on the screen. I laughed and put my hand through the screen. "Time to somehow get his reaction." I hopped into the screen and got into the screen thing. And I looked through all of the different phones and decided to travel into his phone.

Jessica's P.O.V

My eyes widened as I saw the screen glitch and show pictures of (Y/N) doing anything. And then suddenly a message appeared. "Dylan. Stop stalking (Y/N) and then I won't have to do something...unpleasant." I giggled as I looked at the horror on Dylan's face. Everyone looked at him. Well glared at him. "I thought you were different !!" I heard his new girlfriend scream at him. Who was actually sitting next to him. Well I should I say ex girlfriend now. "B-Babe I can explain-"

"There's nothing you can explain !! You are still into (Y/N) and now her new boyfriend is getting crazy !! He's a hacker !!" My eyes widened and I laughed internally.

Well. She DOES like Ben so it's not far off

Y/N's P.O.V

I walked through the halls with Clockwork. I saw a few people on the way and Clockwork introduced them to me. I met, Eyeless Jack. But everyone calls him EJ when him and Laughing Jack aka LJ are in the same room. We met them. And Ticci Toby. He's such a sweetheart. He asked if I wanted to have waffles with him. They all DID look creepy. But what can I say. I'm in a mansion full of serial killers. But that's not all. We met dare I say...the two people who can't seem to not try and kill each other. Jeff the Killer. Ben's friend and Jane the Killer.

After a while we finally got to a huge door. Which is Slenderman's office. Clockwork knocked on the door and we heard a static voice. "Come in." She opened the door and there at the table was a faceless...man ?? He was fully white without a face and a suit. I felt a little scared but calmed down when he spoke. It may be staticky but it has a somewhat gentle tone. Like he doesn't mean to hurt me. "Child. I'm sure you are confused at why you are here."

I nodded. He pointed at a chair and I went to sit down. Clockwork left. Leaving me with Slenderman. "As soon as Ben reported to me that you remembered him. I knew this was a chance of a lifetime." I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean ??"

"Sally has been wanting to have a older sister that really felt like one. You are younger than the other girls in this mansion apart from her and a couple. So- I am going to ask you something. I'd understand if you wouldn't want to accept it. It does risk a lot."

"What do you mean ?? What is this question ??"

"Im just about to ask it. But you can have some time to think about it. So after I ask you the question. Ben will take you back and we'll give you a day to decide. Is that okay ??" I nodded. "Alright. That's fine. Please. Ask away."

"(Y/N) (L/N). Would you take the offer to become one of us- the price is moving in here. You will of course murder people. But we don't do it randomly. We have a set of people to kill. Everyone does. Jeff is the only one allowed to go on a killing spree due to his anger issues. So now I'll ask you. Think about that this for the rest of the day. And come back here tomorrow for your answer."

My eyes widened at his request. Me, being a serial killer ??. "If I agree to this- will I have to keep this a secret ?? Even from my best friend ??" He nodded. "I'm sad to say that everything that happens in this mansion. Stays here." I nodded. "Alright. I'll think about this."

"Alright. You may leave. Clockwork will not be at the door so just ask anyone who comes by to take you to Ben's room. Have a nice rest of your day, (Y/N)."

"You too. And thank you, Slenderman." I got up and walked out. To my luck someone appeared. And it was EJ. "Jack ??" I called out. Jack turned and I could get a look at his mask again. Black goo coming out of it. It looked out blood. But black. I could see that his skin was grey. "Yes ??" I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. But can you take me to Ben's room. He has to take me back."

"Of course. This way." He started walking and I followed behind. We walked through the hallways and we got to Ben's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in and Ben had sat his computer on the floor. So we can get through easily. "I asked Jessica to bring your phone outside of the classroom." I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. Let's just get back" He nodded and held out his hand. I took it. And he held me close. I could feel my cheeks heat up. "Let's go." He winked at me and we jumped into the computer. We went through the glitchy air and got out of my phone.

But we aren't in the classroom nor are we in the bathroom we are under an empty classroom's teacher desk. Me and Ben were really close to each other. I could really feel my cheeks heat up.

God Jessica. I love and hate you


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