{ Chapter Eight }

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(Y/N) (L/N)'S P.O.V

We made it to my house. My mum and dad were out so we were alone. Phew. I unlocked the door and we went in. "I already told Ben what Slenderman asked me off. So I'll tell you up there." She nodded. "I do wonder. What would the man of the mansion wants from you."

I giggled. "I was really surprised when I found out trust me." We walked upstairs and until my room. Where Ben was currently trying his best at scrubbing the blood of the floor. Oh poor thing. It's carpet. It won't get off with wet tissue. "Ben ?? You need to use washing up liquid. I'll do it later. I want to tell Jessica...do you think Slenderman will be fine with her coming ??"

Ben got up from the floor and closed the door for us after we got in. "Well. With the thing that this involves. I'm not sure. But if it'll make you want to stay more. Then I'm 50% sure he'll be fine with it. I mean. He managed to get Jeff and Jane in the same mansion. It's a nightmare." I giggled. "I bet it is !!" Jessica just smirked. "Okay. Before you tell me. I think you two need to sort something out~. I'll be in the bathroom."

My eyes widened as my cheeks flushed read. I looked at Ben and he was blushing too. God- he even looks hot when he's blushing !!. "Oh umm. She does have a point." I nodded. I sat on the bed and Ben sat down next to me. He placed a hand on mine. He got his composure back quickly. Oh god. He has his smirk on again. Get prepared heart !!

"Well then. Will the lovely princess, do me the honour. Of being my girlfriend ??" He asked as he brought my hand to his lips. And placed a kiss on the back of it. Causing my heart to go do jumping Jacks and my face go beat red once again. I nodded. "Yes. Yes !! I'd love to be your girlfriend !!" He smiled and pulled me closer to him. "Hope you know that I won't be asking for these~" I titled my head in confusion.

And Ben placed his lips on mine. Kissing me gently. My eyes widened. I closed them and wrapped my arms around his neck. Kissing him back. We pulled away. Jessica came in and was smiling like a proud mum. "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TOOO !!" She yelled as she jumped at us. Engulfing us into a hug. I could hear Ben chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh.

We pulled away and Jessica sat down next to us. "Okay. So what do you need to tell me ??." I looked at Ben and he nodded. "It's a long story. So I'm going to try and shorten it.."

*after explaining bc I'm tired and it's nearly 2 am.*

"WAIT WAIT !! You have been given the opportunity to- live with them. Live a life as a murderer. And be a big sister ?? And you want me to come as well ??" I nodded. "Yes... though. They don't know about me and Ben being together now. So that'll be news to them." I giggled and Ben laughed. "I know they'll tease me none stop that I got a girlfriend.." he said as he pulled me closer. I giggled. "I'm surprised I even hit the jackpot. I'm happy I still have feelings for you !!" I said smiling.

"And you have to decide by tomorrow ??" I nodded. "I'll be going to the mansion. Ben gave me the address. I want to walk there so I know the way in and out. So he'll leave tonight. So, what do you say ??" I said smiling. Jessica gave me the 'I'll think about it face.' I let out a sad sigh. "If you don't want to come. Just tell me..." She giggled and hugged me tight. Well pulling me from Ben's hold and hugged me but you get it. "Of course I'll go !! Who'll help you when you have your mental crises that no one can help you with ??"

I laughed and hugged her back. Tightly. "Thank you !! I just hope that Slender will be fine with you too." Ben patted my head. "I'm sure he will be. You'll just have to say that you need her in your life. She is capable of fighting and killing people right ??" Jessica just glared at Ben. Making me laugh. "Her older brother owns a boxing gym that does all sorts of martial arts. So she'll be just fine !!"

"You betcha !!" We all laughed. "Well. My mum will be coming back soon. So you'll have to go Ben. Remember. We'll meet you there." I said as I cupped his face and gently kissed him. He nodded and kissed me back. "I know it'll be a lot more interesting with you two in the mansion. See you there tomorrow." He glitched into my phone and Jessica squealed again.
"AHH. You two are just so cute together !!"

I giggled. "I betcha. You are going to fall for one of them !!" It was her turn to flush red. I giggled and began to run. "OH THATS IT, (Y/N), YOU DO NOT BRING UP ME BEING SINGLE !!" She got up and ran after me. What a afternoon. I just hope that we can still have a good life in the mansion...


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