Chapter 12

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Bridget slept over Allister's house the night that Cinnamon was born but not before calling her parents and telling them that her egg hatched. The little Eevee gladly drank the moomoo milk that was given to her. Coco and Saffron decided to take the newborn under their paws. Saffron even shared some of her fish with Cinnamon.

Then early the next day, after dragging Allister out of bed, Bridget went to the open air market to sell and buy things for her parents. The crowds were never big so early in the morning so Allister wasn't too nervous being out in the open. For being so brave, Bridget bought him fish and chips to eat while she got the vegetarian fish and chips.

"Bea is running the gym today so let's go to my house. I want to see if anyone can take on Auntie Opal," said Bridget.

"Bea is in charge tomorrow too so I can sleep over if you want," replied Allister.

Bridget cheered and grabbed his hand to take him to the tangle. Just outside the tangle, they noticed a trainer looking at her map app.

"Gloria! Are you on your way to Ballonlea?"

"Yes, I am. Just trying to figure out the best way," she replied showing her map,"I was going to hire one of the navigators at the Pokemon center but that numpty was trying to cheat me."

Bridget giggled when she heard the insult. It was always funny hearing people use bad words.

"Nurse Joy said that the best navigator of Glimwood Tangle is the fae blessed child but they weren't at the center and would probably be expensive too," continued Gloria.

"...You... found her... Bridget's fae blessed..." Allister stuttered. Gloria was nice but he couldn't help but be nervous around a person he didn't know well.

"I won't charge you either since you were nice to me yesterday. Letting me pet your Pokemon once we get there will be enough."

Gloria agreed and they adventured into the tangle. Bridget touched certain mushrooms to light the path up for the others benefits. She told Gloria to avoid touching the pink mushrooms unless she wanted to have impidimps or morgrems attack her.

"Watch out for flying berries, this area is where passimians train," said Bridget as they walked towards a small clearing. Soon they passed the large tree in the middle of the tangle and Bridget left some snacks under it.

Bridget continued talking and showing Gloria the sights of Glimwood Tangle like a tour guide. She also warned Gloria to stay away from mushroom circles and large groups of shiinotics or she may get put to sleep.

Gloria complimented Bridget's knowledge of the tangle. "If you don't mind my asking. How long have you two been friends?"

"Since the womb! Our mums are best friends so it was meant to be! Right Allie?"

"R-right." Allister said as he squeezed her hand tight. They always held hand when they traveled in the tangle since the ghost pokemon tend to distract him especially phantumps. Phantumps like to follow Allister to play with him and get treats from Bridget.

When they got to Ballonlea, Bridget showed Gloria the way to the Pokemon Center and to her family's bakery. Gloria made good on her promise and let Bridget pet her pokemon. She cuddled all of Gloria's pokemon even her gyarados.

"Let me know when you are going to challenge Auntie Opal so I can watch. Good luck with the rest of the challenge," said Bridget when they parted ways.

Bridget and Allister arrived at the bakery and found her father serving customers. "You can go up to my room. I am going to help papa with the crowd," said Bridget.

"I can help grab pastries. As long as I don't have to deal with the customers," replied Allister.

Bridget grabbed her apron and her special step stool so she can be seen over the counter. "I can help the next customer."

Coco the alcremie grabbed the free sample tray and started giving some out to waiting customers meanwhile Saffron showed Cinnamon how to (con) keep customers entertained while they wait.

Aj the mimikyu helped Allister in the back since he wasn't allowed to take things out of the oven (he could burn himself).

Soon the crowd died down, so Bridget could show off her newest friend to her papa. "This is Cinnamon. She hatched from the egg I was given."

Her papa shook the pokemon's paw and gave her a small treat. "You know there were two eggs right. Her brother hatched yesterday."

"Hear that Cinnamon? You have a brother that Auntie Opal is going to give to her successor. Don't worry though because you will always be cuter."


"Thanks for the help. My assistant called out sick. Pick out a dessert to eat and I won't tell your mums," said Bridget's papa.

The two kids split a ribombee chocolate cake slice and drank brionne soda as their reward. After they were done they climbed the trees of the town to prank tourists who tried to litter or cause a ruckus of their peaceful home. An impidimp that Bridget calls Pistachios usually appears to help them cause mischief. Pistachios technically is not one of her pokemon but he likes to follow her around whenever she goes around town. Allister has offered to give her a pokeball to capture him but Bridget insists that it is up to Pistachios if he wants to be her pokemon.

Bridget couldn't think of anything she rather be doing than terrorizing tourist and talking about training strategies with her best mate. She couldn't wait for her mother's shift at the hospital to be over so they could show off their pokemon to her.

Allister tapped her shoulder and pointed out a snooty Kalosian that was mocking the town and said it was not stylish. There is nothing more fun than torturing a snooty Kalosian with your best mate. Life was great for the best mates. Tomorrow would bring more adventures but today someone needed to feel the wrath of Bellonlea's resident troublemaker.

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