Chapter 15

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The abandoned tower in the wild area attracted a lot of ghost type pokemon. Most trainers went out of their way to avoid the tower especially at night for fear of the ghosts. Allister was not like most trainers and he loved to camp out near the tower with his mum and his best mate, Bridget. His mum, Alice, was used to ghosts running around since they were her son's speciality and would not hesitate to scold any nearby ghosts if they caused too much mischief.

Bridget was gathering berries in a nearby tree while Allister was helping his mom set up the curry pot. Flitwick, the lampet, was watching over Bridget and her pokemon. He took upon himself to protect her after what happened with the meowths the other day. "Look! I found a bunch of pecha berries!" said Bridget as she climbed the tree with her haul. The group had separated from the minor gym leaders when they got closer to Motostoke. They didn't find a Riombee but it was fun trying to find the elusive fairy.

"We're going to make potato curry. Bridget, you can add some of those berries in and Allister, you can add the potatoes," said Alice.

The group had fun making the curry together and put a lot of love into it. The curry was delicious and all the pokemon enjoyed it too. After they finished eating the children went exploring. As long as they kept their pokemon with them and stayed together they were allowed to leave the campsite.

"I'm so excited! The championship cup is right around the corner and then the Championship ball is right after," said Bridget.

"It's fun competing for the cup but I could do without the ball. So many reporters.... "

"Reporters are annoying. I can have Coco scare them off though," replied Bridget.

Allister laughed as he imagined the little alcremie scaring off reporters. "Would you like to come to the ball with me again this year," he asked.

"I would love to. I have to help your mum keep those Mandibuzz from the press away from you," she replied.

Allister remembered what happened when his mum had found out someone took a picture of him without him knowing and put it on a league card. She was scarier than a bewear and he was pretty sure the people of the card company lost a couple of years off their lives. The cards are out of print now and Allister only gives the few of them he has out to people he trusts. So far he only ever gave one to Bridget since she loves league cards. Bridget has cricket bat hidden in his locker room that she uses to threaten anyone who tries to come in without permission.

"Do... do you think I have a chance of winning the championship?"

"Of course you do! I will wallop anyone who says otherwise,"

Allister hugged Bridgett and she hugged him back tightly. Allister promised to try hard to win the cup. He would not let down his best mate. They walked back to camp because it was too early for most ghosts to be active and the fact that they almost got hit by a biker doing a time challenge. Allister's mom was sketching when they arrived back. They watched her sketch for a bit before Bridget went to get a medical book from her pack. Even when she was reading she couldn't sit still. She was on her belly, swinging her legs as she read the book out loud. Allister listened to her reading as he played with his pokemon with a toy fishing rod. Most of his pokemon were sleepy due to it being the middle of the afternoon. That didn't stop AJ, his mimikyu, from playing with him. Soon Saffron, the purrloin, and Cinnamon, the eevee joined in on the fun. The game came to an abrupt end when Saffron got ahold of the toy and ran off with it. This caused AJ and Cinnamon to run after the kitten to get the toy back.

"You should take a nap. You look sleepy and Saffron was able to steal that toy rather easily," said Alice to her son.

Allister did as he was told and went into the tent to take a nap.

Allister awoke to Bridget singing as she helped his mother cook some more curry. It was most likely apple curry since the scent of apples was in the air. By the time the food was done and they had eaten it was dark outside. It was perfect for finding ghost pokemon that lurked near the tower. Several wild ghost pokemon tried to scare Allister's mum but she was used to ghost pokemon due to her son.

"If you make a mess of our things, then you have to clean it up," she said to a naughty haunter.

The haunter put the pots he was messing with back to where they belong and hid behind Allister.

"...Don't worry, mum is nice, " he said to the haunter.

"Have fun you two. Don't you dare try to climb that broken tower though," said Alice.

"I promise mum," said Allister as he ran off with Bridget and the wild ghost pokemon. Bridget climbed a berry tree near the tower to get a better look at it. Allister followed her up and they sat on the branch together.

"Do you think this tower is a power spot?" asked Bridget as she surveyed the tower.

"Maybe. I wouldn't try though since mum might get mad if I gigantamax Cheshire out here,"

Bridget nodded at his assessment. She tried asking the ghosts in the area if they knew what the tower was originally for but none of the ones in the area were old enough to remember but they told the children that the aura around the tower attracted them to it.

Allister's pokemon bragged about Bridget's singing and how cool Allister was to the wild ghost pokemon. This caused the wild pokemon to request songs that they wanted to hear. The children giggled when the pokemon gave puppy dog eyes to them to hear the songs. Bridget stood up on the branch and started singing for the pokemon. She started swaying to the beat of the song which caused her to lose her balance and fall off the branch.


"I'm okay," said Bridget as she held on to a branch lower on the tree. She studied herself and climbed down the tree.

Allister quickly got down from the tree and hugged Bridget tightly. "I--i was so scared," he said as continued to hug her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry," said Bridget, "I'm not hurt. I would never leave you like that."

They stayed hugging each other until Allister calmed down. The ghosts that were in the area started to make silly faces to make Allister feel better. He started laughing as he brushed away his tears.

"Do you want to go back to your mum?" asked Bridget.

Allister nodded, thanked the ghost pokemon, and walked back with Bridget to their camp. She offered her hand and he accepted. Alice noticed the children were holding hands when they came back so she knew something happened. When Allister got closer she held her hands out for a hug which he quickly initiated. She slowly rocked him and kissed his head.

"You don't have to tell me what happened but you know I will always listen if something is bothering you, love" said his mum.

Allister nodded and squeezed his mother tighter.

"I'm fine now, thanks mum."

Alice kissed his head before letting him go.

"I'm going to work hard and try my best to win the cup this year," he said to his mum and Bridget.

"I will always be proud of you, love."

"I will be cheering for you in Wydon!"

Allister hugged them again and went to train his Pokemon. The Championship Cup was almost here.

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