Chapter 13

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Allister woke up to the sun shining in his face. That wasn't so strange except it was quiet in his house. Usually the phone would be ringing because Bridget was making sure he got up. The Pokemon Challenge was progressing nicely with no major issues. Most of the challengers either made it past him and Bea or quit already. That gave him some more time to train for the Championship Cup.

"Mum did I miss Bridget's call this morning," ask Allister as he ate the kippers his mother served him.

"Oh love, Maeve called this morning. Bridget is sick so she can't come over to play today."

"Wha? Is she okay? We have to see her," exclaimed Allister.

He started breathing hard and his mind swirled with all the horrible things that could happen. His mother hugged him and slowly carded through his hair.

"I- i don't want her to leave me like da and Aunt Mina," he cried into his mum's chest.

"Bridget is just a little under the weather. No need to fret, poppet." His mum promised they would take taxi over to Ballonlea as soon as they finished breakfast. The taxi ride was fairly quiet and Allister had his head in his mum's lap as she rubbed his back.

As soon as they paid the cabby, they ran to Alcremie's Delights Bakery. "Good to see -- Alice! Allister! Head upstairs Maeve and Bridget will be glad to see you two."

Maeve was doing some paperwork on her computer when they came upstairs. "Bridget is in her room. She should be sleeping," she said when she saw Allister. He thanks her and hurried to her room.

Allister quietly opened the door and saw about a dozen or so Pokemon in the room. Coco, Saffron, and Cinnamon we're on the bed making sure their trainer was okay. Pistachio was at the foot of the bed sleeping on Bridget's feet. Allister had no idea how a ponyta got into the room but it was watching her by one side of the bed. Just about one kind of every pokemon found in Tangle was doing a vigil in the room.

Allister's pokemon got out of their pokeballs and hoovered around the bed. Bridget opened her eyes and did a weak wave. Allister adjusted her pillows so she could sit up. Bridget pointed to her throat and shook her head. He grabbed her hands and gave them a squeeze.

"I'll bring you tea with extra honey in it. that helps with throats right?" Bridget nods so Allister tells his pokemon to watch over her except for AJ.

He doesn't want to bother the adults so he decides to make the tea himself. It couldn't be too hard since he watches his mum make it all the time. Allister grabbed the step stool and got the teapot from the cabinet. AJ got the teacups that were higher up in the cabinet and put them on the counter for Allister.

He fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove. Technically he is not allowed to use the stove or oven but AJ can turn on the stove for him to get around that rule.

He stares at the pot willing it to heat up faster. Maybe he could have Flickwick use his flames to heat the water faster.

"It will never heat up if you keep staring at it," said Allister's mum.

She ruffled his hair and told him that she will finish the tea. He went back to Bridget's room and brought over her desk chair to sit near her.

Back in the kitchen, Alice finished preparing the tea. "Oh Maeve, you should have seen how worried he got when I told him Bridget was sick."

The women discussed their children as they poured tea for themselves. They both quietly opened Bridget's door and saw the cutest sight. Bridget must have convinced Allister to share the bed with her. They were both snuggled together and their pokemon slept on the bed with them.

The mums took a couple of pictures of the scene and left. They could bring in the tea a bit later.

Bridget woke up thirsty. She looked around tiredly and noticed Allister next to her. Her movements caused him to wake up. She motions to him that she is thirsty and Allister gets up to grab their mums to let them know that Bridget was awake.

Bridget was given black tea with honey to soothe her throat and oatmeal with honey and blueberries for flavor to eat. Allister ate with her in the room so she wouldn't be lonely. Her mother brought some treats up from the bakery for all the pokemon in the room to enjoy since the humans were eating so they should join in.

"Bridget, promise me you will get better soon. I don't want to be alone again."

Since she still couldn't speak, Bridget crossed her heart and hugged her best mate tightly. She knew death was inevitable especially since she sometimes helps her mum at the hospital. She just prayed that Allister wouldn't experience the death of someone he cared about again. Not for a very long time at least. 

"When you get better, we can go to the Wild Area again. Mum said she would take us so I can get more training before the Championship Cup."

Bridget nodded and yawned. "Your mum said you need plenty of rest so don't try to stay up."

Bridget gestured for him to climb back in bed. The pokemon rearranged themselves on the bed to make room for him. As soon as he got in, Bridget latched on to him so he couldn't escape. Maybe she possessed the ability shadow tag since it was useless trying to get away after she decides you are her new pillow.

Allister finds he doesn't mind being used as a pillow if it helped Bridget get better faster. They could explore and have fun another day. For now taking a nap after having warm oatmeal was enough.

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