Chapter 21

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Bridget wished that the Championship match was postponed for longer so Leon could rest up and heal but he had insisted on having the match. Her mum was at the stadium to keep an eye on Leon since he was her patient.

The fallout from Rose's plan was country wide and all of his companies were turned over to Leon. This happened because Rose himself had already given Leon the majority of the share holds for the companies before he turned himself in. It was by pure luck that nobody was seriously injured during the ordeal.

Another reason they couldn't delay the match for too long was that the Galar Ball was already scheduled for a certain date and it would be a nightmare to try to postpone one of the biggest parties of the year. Famous people from around the world came to attend the ball. All the gym leaders were invited to attend and they could have a plus one. Allister hated the ball because it was crowded with too many people and the  reporters were relentless. Bridget hated the ball because it made Allister's anxiety act up and she had to wear shoes.

Bridget was sitting next to Sonia and Allister. She was happily petting Sonia's yamper as they waited for the match to begin.

"Bridget, where did your purrloin go," asked Bede. He was sitting behind Bridget and noticed that her mischievous kitten was not with her. Her Eevee was on her head and her alcremie was on her lap.

"She said she wanted to stretch her legs before the match starts," she replied, "she won't cause too much trouble."

Meanwhile the guards in the stadium were chasing an impidimp and a purrloin who had taken shiny objects from spectators.

By the time Leon and Gloria threw out their first pokemon, Saffron trotted back and jumped on Bridget's lap next to Cocoa. Pistachio jumped on the back of her seat and had a little cloth bag around his neck. Without even looking at the impidimp Bridget told him to return the items he stole or he wouldn't get treats from her father's bakery anymore.

Saffron the purrloin snickered at the impidimp but gasped when Bridget said that the it applies to her as well.

Piers chuckled from where he sat next to Bede. He offered to watch the mischievous dark pokemon since he had experience with them so Bridget could enjoy the match.

"I'm retiring from being a gym leader so I don't care who wins the championship," he explained to Bridget, "Let's go you two."

The two pokemon knew better than trying to fool the Dark type gym leader. He knew all their tricks.

Soon enough an announcement on the PA system told the spectators that a wild impidimp had taken belonging and to check in with the lost and found desk to have their property returned.

By the time Piers returned with the two pokemon, Leon was down four pokemon to Gloria's two. Bridget was amazed at how close the battle was. She knew Gloria had strong pokemon but the only person she knew that could beat so many of Leon's pokemon was Raihan. She didn't know who to cheer for since she liked both trainers. She knew one of them had to lose but it didn't mean she had to like it.

Finally Gloria sent out the creepy pokemon that caused all the weird energy. It didn't cause Bridget to feel weird this time. Maybe having a trainer helped control the side effects of its power. Gloria called the Pokemon Eternatus and Leon looked excited to see it.

"Leon is an odd one," said Bridget out loud, "I wouldn't want to be face to face with the pokemon that nearly killed me."

"He always liked a challenge and that pokemon represents one of the biggest challenges he ever had," replied Sonia.

"Maybe I should catch a dreepy," murmured Allister to himself which caused Bridget to giggle.

She could tell he was thinking up different strategies for his pokemon while watching the match.

Charizard was fighting hard against Eternatus but the fire pokemon was having a hard time. Everyone gasped in shock when Leon's Charizard fainted against Eternatus. The Unbeatable Champion was defeated.

"Bloody hell! Leon lost to that challenger..." said Raihan very loudly. He was sitting towards the back of the section due to his height.

"Raihan, watch your language," scolded Melony since children were present.

The dragon gym leader apologized quickly since he didn't want Ms. Melony mad at him.

Bridget tugged on Sonia's sleeve, "We should go check on Leon."

Sonia nodded and the two of them went to the locker room. Allister told Bridget that he would met her back at the hotel. He wanted to leave before the crowd got too unruly.

"Leon, are you feeling okay," asked Bridget.

"Of course I'm okay. You and your mum fixed me up so no need to worry," said Leon. He was smiling but it seemed fake.

Bridget held out her hands for his pokeballs, "I meant mentally and emotionally. This is your first loss."

She healed each of his pokemon and gave them back to Leon. The older trainer sighed, "I think I'm still trying to process it."

Bridget nodded and allowed Leon to ruffle her hair.

"As a doctor in training, I advise getting some rest and snogging with Sonia to make you feel better," said Bridget.

"We aren't dating," said Leon and Sonia together.

Bridget giggled as she walked to the exit. Before she left she gave a cheeky smile and said, "Leon remember to get Sonia a pretty dress for the ball."

"You can tell she is related to Opal. They both like to cause mischief," said Leon shaking his head.

"We should get her something as thanks for healing you," said Sonia.

Leon nodded and decided to ask the girl's mother during his follow up appointment for gift ideas.

Bridget met up with Allister and their mums by one of the side exits to avoid the crowds.

Allister's mum, Alice, motioned Bridget over to her. "Bridget, I was talking to your mum and she agreed that it was a good idea to have you come with Allister to the Galar Ball," she said.

"Really?!" Considering how young Allister was when he first became a gym leader, his mum would usually accompany him to the more formal events.

"His sponsor, MC Insurance, is willing to pay for both of your formal wear too," said Alice.

"Would you want me to go with you Allister," asked Bridget. She didn't want to force her friend into something he wasn't comfortable doing.

"The ball is really boring but it will be more fun with you there," replied Allister.

Their mums giggled at them and led them to Aashni house. The league cup might be over but the children had more adventures to come.

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