Chapter 6

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Bridget cheered when the gym leaders were introduced. The staff at the different stadiums knew the girl and would tell her the latest gossip or give her little things. The Ball Guy in particular always gave her the latest league cards since she was an avid collector. "I got the new challenger cards for you."

Bridget squealed in delight and hugged him. She heard that Chairman Rose had personally sponsored a challenger and that Leon had sponsored two challengers this year. She needed to get her new cards signed when the ceremony was over. Some of the leaders did exhibition matches during the ceremony but Allister wasn't a part of that so he came back to the room Bridget was in.

"Your entrance was ace, Allister," said the girl happily as she handed AJ back to him. The mimikyu snuggled against his trainer's chest.

"Thanks... I'm going to nap in here until they need me again."

The Ball Guy provided blankets and a pillow without warning. Where he got them from and how he knew Allister needed them they both had no idea.

Bridget asked Coco to watch over Allister while she went to get autographs. The alcremie and the boy's mimikyu stood guard near him. Cheshire came out of his trainer's shadow and followed her. If Allister needed anything the gengar was the fastest way to contact him.

The young girl made her way to the various challengers to get their autographs. Most of them were very sweet and had no issues signing their cards for her. She saw a boy with poofy white hair and went up to him for his autograph. According to the card, the boy was the challenger that was endorsed by Chairman Rose.

"Are you Bede? The challenger that Chairman Rose sponsored," questioned the girl.

"Of course I am. What do you want?"

"May I have your autograph? I got your league card here."

"You can have it for 600 pokemon dollars"

"I don't have that much on me right now. "

"I guess you are not worthy of having the future champion's autograph."

She stared at him incredulously by his statement. Who did this boy think he was charging for his autograph? He wasn't even famous. Not even Leon who is arguably the most famous person in Galar charged people for his autograph. Bridget huffed and went to find other challengers to get autographs from. Cheshire came out of Bridget's shadow and scared the psychic type user for being rude to the girl.

"I hope karma bites him in the butt," muttered the girl to the gengar. "Gen gar gar," said Cheshire.

She laughed at his statement, "Cheshire, please don't bite anyone in the butt. I appreciate the offer though."

She got an autograph from Marnie and thought her pokemon was so cute. She remembered seeing some crazy fans that supported her. Bridget was glad that Marnie was normal and not crazy like her fanbase.

She found the challengers that Leon endorsed and realized that one was Leon's brother.

"You two are the challengers that Leon sponsored! You have to be Hop, his little brother. He shows pictures of you to the gym leaders."

Hop blushed from the statement and gave the girl his autograph. The girl next to him also gave her autograph.

"Gloria, that's a pretty name. I can't wait to see the both of you battle. Leon is rubbish at directions but he can spot talent."

The two trainers beamed at the praise. She wished them luck and went to find more challengers. Bridget finished her autograph session soon after and went to wake up Allister.

The boy was still sound asleep when she found him. "Wake up, sleepy head, Miss Melony promised to make us food." She started poking him but he still wouldn't get up.

"Bea, he's dead to the world again," she called out to the fighting gym leader.

Bridget helped arrange Allister on Bea's back. This was something they did more than any of them would care to admit. The ghost leader was like a noctowl, rarely awake during the day. This, among other reasons, was why the boy was homeschooled.

The trio arrived back at the hotel and went to Melony's suite. The woman could have ordered room service but she rather cook something herself for her children. The mother chuckled when she saw Allister sleeping on Bea. Bea placed him on the couch and Bridget watched cartoons with Melody's children. Gordie chatted with Bea about rock climbing and training.

Food was the fastest way to wake up a sleepy ghost leader. He woke up as soon as Melony set the food on the table. They all thanked her and ate the yummy cooking. Allister was grateful that his mask had a big enough hole for his mouth because it was easier to eat that way. He trusted Melony and her children but his anxiety prevented him from taking his mask off in front of them. No one took offense to the fact that he kept his mask on.

Everyone thanked Melony for the meal and the trio went to pack up their belongings. The challenge officially started tomorrow and although no one would challenge the gym on Stow-on-Side for a while since they would have to beat three leaders in order to get them. They decided to leave early since Bea promised to take the younger two camping in the wild area. It was a good place to train and meet pokemon that are not seen elsewhere in the region. They would walk from Motostoke to Hammerlocke using the wild area. From Hammerlocke they would use a taxi to get back home.

It would be a great way to get exercise and training. They might even catch new pokemon for their teams. It would be a fun outing for the friends.

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