Chapter 20

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Bridget woke up in an unfamiliar room with a bad headache. The weird energy from the power spots made her feel sick to her stomach. Allister was cuddling with AJ the mimikyu in an attempt to calm down. He had been beside himself since Bridget fainted.

"Where are we?"

Allister ran over to the bed and grabbed Bridget's hands. "Don't get up. We ran into Miss Aashni when we evacuated the stadium," he replied.

Bridget nodded but then grabbed her head because it hurt so much. Allister told AJ to get his mum. He hated seeing his best mate in pain. While they waited for his mum, Allister explained that Miss Aashni had opened up her home to the gym leaders after the energy blast happened in the stadium.

Aashni, the electric gym leader, had a beautiful home that she shared with her girlfriend, Siobhan. The two weren't out to the public but the other gym leaders knew they were a couple.

"Ello love, glad to see you're awake. You frightened everyone," said Alice.

"Mum, Bridget said that she has a bad headache and she feels nauseous," said Allister.

His mum checked Bridget's temperature and then said that she would ask Miss Aashni for some tea.

"Most of the gym leaders left to check on their towns due to the energy spikes. Miss Siobhan went to check on Stow-on-the-Side for me," said Allister.

Bridget felt guilty. If she didn't pass out, Allister would have been able to perform his gym leader duties. The young gym leader seemed to pick up on Bridget's thoughts and hugged her.

Bridget felt a bit better after drinking tea. She joined everyone in the living room and watched the news. A giant weird-looking Pokemon was over Hammerlocke. It kind of looked like a creepy bug in Bridget's opinion. She wasn't sure if the reporters on the helicopter were brave or stupid for getting so close to the unknown Pokemon.

"What is that creepy Pokemon? It's not a fair one from what I can tell," said Bridget.

"...Not a ghost type either," remarked Allister.

Alice, Allister's mum, started cursing Chairman Rose for the situation. The children weren't allowed to repeat such words. Leon was on the telly and was attempting to capture the strange Pokemon. Bridget recognized Gloria and Hop near the battle. The champion threw a Pokeball attempting to capture it. It seemed to have worked but then the ball exploded with powerful energy. Leon had his Charizard protect Gloria and Hop but no one protected him. He was hit and hurt badly from what Bridget could tell.

Everyone watched with bated breaths when two wolf-like Pokemon helped Hop and Gloria fight the other Pokemon. Bridget personally thought the one with a sword in her mouth was cute. Something told her that she was a fair one. The other Pokemon had a mane that looked like a shield. It was still cute but not as cute as the sword wolf.

The wolves along with Gloria and Hop made the battle look easy. As soon as Gloria captured the Pokemon, Bridget felt relieved and no longer felt sick.

Due to Leon's injuries, the finals were postponed to a later date. Chairman Rose turned himself into the police. Since Bridget's mum was a doctor, she was able to visit Leon even though they were not family.

"Mum told me that you are being a difficult patient," said the little girl.

Leon looked at Bridget sheepishly. "I will admit that staying still isn't my strong suit."

Bridget wasn't the only one visiting him at the time. Sonia was also in the room and was trying not to laugh as Leon got scolded by Bridget. Allister was sitting on a bench near the hospital. Since ghosts tended to follow him, he made a point not to go into the hospital. The last time he did he accidentally scared several patients.

"Only family is allowed to visit Leon. How were you able to get in, Sonia?" questioned Bridget.

"I'm Leon's emergency contact," replied Sonia like that explained everything.

The young girl giggled and went over to Leon and held his hand.

"May I heal you? You have always been so nice to Allister and I and I hate seeing you hurt."

Leon nodded. He has watched Bridget heal Allister's Pokemon several times and has always been in awe of her abilities.

She squeezed his hand and started to glow. She healed Leon's wounds and then hugged him.

"He's going to need plenty of rest so don't go any farther than snogging him," said Bridget cheekily to Sonia.

"We aren't dating!" said Leon and Sonia at the same time.

Bridget giggled and left the hospital room to meet back up with Allister.

"I don't know what surprises me more. The fact that she can heal people or the fact that Bridget figured out we were dating," said Sonia.

Leon laughed and patted the side of his bed. Sonia sat on the bed and grabbed his hand. She was glad he was looking better already.

"Well, we were given permission to snog by Bridget," said Leon as he kissed Sonia's hand.

"Oh Leon, what am I going to do with you?"

AN: The artwork for this chapter was made by my friend @uglythumbart. She captured Bridget's essence and I am so grateful to her.

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