Chapter 10

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Glimwood Tangle was a magical place that was easy to get lost in if you don't know how to navigate it. Bridget had no problems going around the forest. She was on a mission to find a particular Pokemon for Allister. He mentioned to her that he was thinking of not using AJ, the mimikyu, in gym battles anymore since the little pokemon was distressed over his outfit constantly getting ruined.

She knows that Sinistea live in the forest and wanted to befriend one and introduce the pokemon to Allister.

"Any luck finding a sinistea, Saffron," asked the young girl. The little purrloin sniffed the ground and trotted forward. She batted at the grass and scared a sinistea out of it.

"Saffron don't scare it." The kitten looked like she wanted to bat the teacup again but she didn't bother the scared pokemon.

"I'm sorry for scaring you sinistea. I was actually looking for you for my best mate. He absolutely loves ghosts."

The teacup looked at her quizzically and cautiously got closer to the young girl.

"Pleased to meet you sinistea. My name is Bridget. Would you like a biscuit my papa made?"

She offered up the biscuit and sinistea quickly stuffed it in its cup. It seemed to have liked it because it nudged her hand for another biscuit. Bridgette giggled and gave it another one.

She explained to the pokemon that she wanted to introduce it to Allister since he needed a new pokemon to battle with. She also promised it that if it did not like Allister that she would take it back home.

The teacup agreed and floated alongside her as they made their way through the tangle to Stow-on-Side.

Coco and Saffron started taking to the sinistea about their person and Allister and how sweet they were. By the time they reached the town, the ghost was floating around excitedly.

Allister was going to have a battle soon so Bridget was going to surprise him with the new Pokemon afterwards. The stadium was crowded with fans already and the challenger hadn't even passed Allister's puzzle yet.

Bridget went to twirling cups area to see how the challenger was doing. It looked like whoever was fighting made it to the last cup so Bridget didn't feel guilty about going in a cup to get to Allister. Was there an easier way to get to him? Yes. Was taking the twirling cups of doom more fun? Double yes!

The gym trainers all knew Bridget so they let her pass without challenging her to battles. It was a normal sight to see the girl with Pokemon on her or near her.

She got off the last cup and hurried over to Allister's locker room. She had the Sinistea hide behind her so she could surprise her mate. She did her super secret knock to let Allister know it was her and not a random fan or reporter that got into the off limits section.

"Come in, Bridget."

"Allie!" exclaimed Bridget as she hugged him like she had not seen him in forever. The young gym leader was not wearing his mask and he was doing  breathing exercises. Bridget kept hugging him since she knew he got nervous before matches. With a final deep breath, Allister put his mask on and hugged Bridget in thanks.

His cowlick started bobbing towards the door when he let go of Bridget. "There is a ghost behind the door."

"Boo, your hair ruined my surprise," said Bridget with a pout, "You can come on in now."

The sinistea phased through the door to greet Allister.

"Tea tea sin!" It said excitedly when it saw Allister.

"Onion? It seems like you're famous among ghost, Allister. I guess your mask does resemble an onion," said Bridget.

It was obvious that the sinistea was enamored with Allister.

"It would be an honour to work with you as well," replied Allister to the excited pokemon. He held out a dusk ball and teacup pokemon bumped it to be captured.

A stadium worker knocked on the door to let Allister know that his match would begin in five minutes.

"Would you mind watching the match where the referee is? I'm more confident when you are there," said Allister.

Bridget agreed and hugged him again for luck.

The challenger was the girl that Leon had endorsed. Bridget looked at her cards to double check her name. Gloria had to have some talent to get passed Mr. Kabu. In years passed, the majority of challengers quit because they cannot beat the fire master. Bridget got out her special handmade pennant that said 'You can do it Allie!' She also brought out her kazoo since she wasn't allowed her horn due to an unfortunate incident.

Gloria proved to be a tough opponent for Allister. Her thievul knocked out Holmes the yamask and AJ the mimikyu. Coraline the corsula managed to beat the menacing fox. Unfortunately, the challenger had a very scary gyarados that used crunch on poor little Coraline.

Allister was on his last pokemon. Cheshire was his strongest pokemon and the one that he gigantamaxes. When the young boy stands in front of his partner, he can hear his father's voice cheering him on.

G-max terror injured the gyarados but it came back swinging and after a hard battle Cheshire fainted.

Bridget watches as Allister shakes hands with Gloria and gives her the ghost badge. She can tell from his body language that he was sad about losing but enjoyed the match. Bridget definitely had to sleepover so they could eat the scrummy biscuits her family made.

"That was a brilliant match," said Bridget when Allister entered the locker room.

"Thanks. I don't like losing but that challenger was very strong. I hope we have more talented challengers this year."

Allister released his pokemon to be healed by Bridget. She hugged Holmes and AJ to heal them. She could heal their injuries but AJ's disguise was still ruined which distressed the tiny pokemon.

"I'm sorry AJ, I can't fix that with my power but we can help you fix your outfit tonight." The pokemon wrapped an arm around both Bridget and Allister to hug them and went back into his pokeball.

Bridget proceeded to heal Coraline and Cheshire. The two were heading out the stadium when they heard loud booming noise.

"That sounds close by. I'm going to make sure no one is hurt."

"Take Flickwick with you to be safe. I will make sure nothing bad occurs in the stadium," replied Allister. He threw out a dusk ball and a lampet appeared.

The children wished each other luck and went off in different directions. Neither knew at the time that big changes were in store for them.

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