Chapter 7

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The wild area in Galar was the perfect place to go camping. Normally, young children weren't allowed there without an adult but since there were two gym leaders in the group it didn't matter.

Bea had gotten a giant tent for the three of them to share and was relieved when Allister didn't complain about not going to the creepy rundown tower. She was not setting up camp in a haunted area no matter how much she loved the little boy.

Bridget was twirling around with her egg safely in her backpack. As soon as they left the city, she kicked off the shoes and put them in her bag. She and Allister were talking about the ceremony and what they thought about this year's challengers.

"Come on you two. I want to set up camp before it gets too dark," said Bea.

Considering the time they left Motostoke, Bea wasn't going to make them walk too far. She wanted to get to the other side of the river and make camp there.

"Ooh, berry trees! Can I ask the pokemon in the trees for some berries for our curry?" asked Bridget.

Bea gave her the go ahead and Bridget skipped over to the trees. She called up into the trees, "May I please have some berries for my meal?"

A skovet came down and started to talk to her, "Sko vet vet"

"Thank you for sharing!"

The skovet scurried up the tree and it started to rustle.

Bea asked Bridget what the pokemon said.

"He said that he will pick some of the spicy berries for us since he is not fond of them."

The tiny pokemon came back down with a tail full of berries for them.

"Sko sko vet"

"Thank you and you are welcome," replied Bridget, "He was thanking us for not shaking the tree. He doesn't like falling off it."

The trio thanked the pokemon and got ready to make the curry. It was a challenge feeding the two younger children. Bridget refused to eat meat of any kind and Allister, like many children his age, didn't like leafy greens. Bea settled on beans for the main ingredient since that was good for growing kids and they both liked them. Bridget started humming a song about beans but didn't sing it out loud since Bea was not a fan of it.

Bea made enough curry to feed an army. Allister helped her put the leftovers away while Bridget cleaned the dishes. They kept the campfire on since it started to get very foggy.

The yummy smells attracted a little shadow towards the camp. The tiny pokemon went towards Bridget's backpack that contained the berries. The pokemon didn't realize that the pack was heavier than it looked and got caught by Coco.

The pokemon tried to act innocent and cute when everyone came over when they heard the noise.

"I know it's in your nature, but it is not nice to steal little purrloin," chided Bridget. The purrloin looked around and knew she was surrounded. She dropped the innocent act swished her tail nervously. Bridget slowly walked over to the kitten, "It's okay, no one is going to hurt you," she slowly held her fist to the kitten and let her sniff it. The little girl asked her friends for a little bit of curry. Allister put some in a smaller plate and slowly walked over.

"Instead of stealing my berries, you can have some curry. You are awfully skinny."

The cat hesitated at first but the other pokemon encouraged her to eat. She took a bite and licked her lips. She gobbled up the food and purred in contentment.

Bridget was able to pet the kitten and felt its ribs, "The food was scrummy wasn't it. Curry is always scrummy," she said as the purrloin licked her paws clean.

The kitten meowed in agreement. She headbutted Bridget's hand and started purring. The group decided to let the tiny pokemon stay in their camp for the night. The pokemon decided to take shifts sleeping to watch the stuff just in case.

The reason that the children's parents trusted Bea with them was because they knew she would take care of them. "Allister, you are not allowed to stay up all night. You can stargaze if you cannot sleep but you cannot look for ghosts," she said.

"...okay..." said Allister reluctantly.

Bridget patted his shoulder in solidarity.

"Bridget, I know you are full of beans but that doesn't mean you can stay up all night either or yell it's the witching hour at 3 in the morning."

Bridget pouted and mumbled, "I do something once and no one let's me forget it."

Bea ruffled the children's hair and went to the tent to change. Bridget whispered to her best mate, "Everyone says I'm full of beans like it's a bad thing. I don't know how though because beans are scrummy and it's not like I eat them everyday."

Allister tilted his head in thought, "Well we all ate beans for dinner so I guess we are all full of beans. People say weird things."

Bridget nodded her head and agreed with her mate that people were indeed weird.

Bea was the first one to go to sleep. Her pokemon would wake her if the children got up to trouble. Allister was stargazing with Bridget. She made up constellations and stories for them. Allister was imagining the stories and didn't realize that Bridget had stopped talking. He looked over and saw her sleeping. He had asked Cheshire to put her in the tent and got ready for bed himself. Bea was sure to wake them up early so he should sleep while he could. Tomorrow was a new day.

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