Chapter 1

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Glimwood Tangle was the most magical part of the Galar region. The people of Bellonlea and Stow-on-Side knew this well. Fairy type pokemon or as the residents of those towns called them, the fair ones could easily lead people astray in the forest. Offerings and taking care of the forest was a sure way to get the favor of the fair ones. If you were lucky you would be blessed by them and they would help you get through the forest safely and help you at your time of need. Sometimes you might catch a glimpse of a little girl playing with the fair ones in the forest. This story is about that little girl.

Bridget loved being from Bellonlea. The people and pokemon lived in harmony with nature. Her mum was a doctor who treated both people and pokemon. They lived in a house that was closest to Glimwood Tangle. The pokemon from there knew to come there if they were hurt. When her mum was pregnant with her, an injured rapidash came to her. For taking care of her, the rapidash gave her mum a blessing and in turn blessed the unborn Bridget.

Bridget could often be found playing in the forest with the fair ones and singing to them. When she wasn't there than she would be with her best mate Allister in Stow-on-Side.

Their mums had been friends since they were little girls so the two of them had been friends all their lives. Bridget was sitting in the waiting area of the stadium and watching Allister's match on the screen. She cheered when he won and glomp him as soon as he entered. "That was a brilliant match!"

"Thanks, I was worried that his bird pokemon would blow off my mask."

All of Allister's pokemon came out of their balls to play with Bridget while he changed out of his uniform. He came back to see his mimikyu sitting in her lap and his Gengar braiding her long hair. The rest were chasing a ball she threw. His pokemon ran to him when they saw him. He gathered them all in his pokeballs after he gave them hugs.

"Can you come to the open-air market with me? We can go to the ruins afterward."

Allister carried his mimikyu and Bridget carried her alcremie to the market. Her alcremie, Coco, was technically the only pokemon she owned. It was given to her by her father who was a baker. Coco helped with the shopping since she knew which ingredients were the freshest. After Bridget bought some things and sold some mushrooms to a guy for a hefty sum the two kids walked to the ruins.

"You are doing better with being in public. You usually try to get out of the market as quickly as possible."

"...Only because of you. The market isn't as bad when you are there."

Allister enjoyed being with Bridget. Most people were scared of him or his ability to talk to ghosts but not Bridget. She would stare in awe as he conversed with spirits and sometimes ask Allister to ask questions to the spirits.

The two kids laid down near the ruins and enjoyed the serene atmosphere. No spirits were nearby so the two watched the clouds go by. Allister took off his mask when they entered the ruins. Only his family and her family knew what he really looked like. He only took it off when he felt safe.

"The league challenge is starting up again. The opening ceremony is next week in Motostoke..."

"Do you want me to come again this year?"

The shy boy nodded his head, "Kabu said you need to wear shoes this time though."

The girl huffed at that comment, "The glass didn't even cut me that bad."

Allister laughed at Bridget's reluctance of wearing shoes. She would walk around barefoot more often than Bea. Their hometowns were relatively small and clean so she could get away with no shoes but the bigger cities were no place to go barefoot.

"Bea walks without shoes," she mumbled as they walked back towards the town. Since Allister didn't have any gym duties, he agreed to sleep over at Bridget's house to cheer her up about the shoes. They were passing by the stadium when they heard someone calling out to Allister.

"'Ello Bea. ...Did I forget something at the stadium."

"The chairman faxed over the schedule for the opening ceremony. I just wanted to make sure you got it."

Bea handed over the paperwork to Allister and ruffled his hair. She was protective of the young gym leader. They shared a stadium so neither of them got overwhelmed from their duties. Bea knew she had a habit of overdoing things and Allister could only be in the public eye for so long so the chairman had made them co-leaders.

"We are getting a flying taxi along with Ms. Opal to Motostoke so make sure to wake up on time."

Allister nodded and promised to be ready on time. Bea noticed Bridget looked upset when she mentioned Motostoke. "What's wrong? You know that you have been invited to come to Motostoke with us."

"I was told to wear shoes," replied the young girl with a pout.

Bea nodded her head in understanding. She was a practitioner of Galarian Martial arts so she usually went barefoot too. "I have to wear shoes there too. I take them off at the stadium though."

Since even Bea wore shoes in the city, Bridget reluctantly agreed to find shoes to wear. This was after she tried to bribe Bea to piggyback ride her in Motostoke in exchange for treats.

They said goodbye to Bea and went into Glimwood Tangle to get to Bridget's house. They pass by the giant tree that houses what Bridget calls the King of the Forest. She leaves some sweets by the tree and she gives thanks to the King for his protection. The two kids then continue on to Bridget's house. The smell of something baking greets them when they arrive.

"Dinner is almost ready. Your mum should be home any minute," said Bridget's father.

Allister took off his mask and helped set up the tables. The pokemon sat at their own little table in the house. Bridget's mum came in while they were setting up.

"Are you excited for the league challenge starting up again, Allister?"

"Yes... I'm also a little nervous ma'am."

Allister got his hair ruffled by the woman. Bridget happily talked about Allister's exhibition match and the fact she was invited to the opening ceremony. She was not happy when Allister told her parents about the shoe issue.

"We might have to borrow some from a neighbor. I'm sure you outgrew your last pair," said her mother.

The children washed the dishes with the help of their pokemon. They were able to get it done without getting too wet. When Gengar decided to splash water at everyone, Allister's lampant was not amused. After they put some milk and honey outside, they got ready for bed.

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