Chapter 4

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Bridget heard of a cafe that gave free dessert if you won a battle and she wanted to see if that was real. She had a sweet tooth along with the rest of her friends.

Allister and Bridget knocked on Bea's room to see if she would go with them.

"We can't go to the battle cafe. My fans have never let it down that I like sweets."

"...Disguises... we could wear em" suggested Allister.

"That idea is so ace. Bea can carry Coco with her to help with the disguise. No one would suspect a fighting master to have a fair one with them."

With that said the trio decided to get ready to go to the cafe.

Bea was wearing a long pink wig, courtesy of Bridget, and a pink top with jeans. Allister had a green hoodie and tinted glasses on. Bridget gave him a green wig just in case. Although she didn't need to dress up, Bridget disguised herself too. She wore a shoulder-length pink wig and an outfit similar to Bea. People would assume that the girls were sisters.

They were discussing how they would go about doing the battling as they left their rooms.

"If I'm holding Coco and Allister is holding my pancham, are we going to battle with them? Does Coco even know how to battle?" questioned Bea.

Bridget nodded and showed Bea the moves Coco knew. Her alcremie mainly had support moves but she did know Play Rough.

The trio ran into Opal on the way out and since she was the one who gave Bridget the disguises, she recognized them. "I knew pink would look nice on you girls. Have fun and enjoy the cafe."

Bridget didn't like this city too much. It felt suffocating with the smokestacks and all the machinery. The streets were usually clean but the tourist tended to bring trash with them. Bridget had stepped on glass last year which worried everyone. The trio went down the weird elevator to get to the cafe. So far no one stopped them so their disguises were working.

The walked into the cafe and stopped to smell the delicious aroma wafting in the air. Bea walked up to the owner and asked for a double battle for free desserts. They walked to the little arena in the back of the store.

Coco and the pancham were selected to battle. Despite not being the types that they specialized in the two disguised gym leaders were not nervous. The owner threw out his milcery and swirlix to battle. Allister sighed since pancham was weak against the fairies.

"Coco use decorate," yelled Bea. Coco produced cream in her little stubby hands and drew symbols on the panda. The pancham looked like he had war paint on. The cream boosted his stats for the battle. With the boost, he was able to avoid the attack from the swirlix.

"Pancham use circle throw on swirlix," said Allister. The little panda grabbed the pink pokemon and threw it across the arena. It was not very effective but it still did some damage. Coco used sweet kiss to confuse the milcery. The poor little Pokemon hurt itself in its confusion. Pancham proceeded to use another circle throw on the milcery. The little cream Pokemon fainted from the damage.

The swirlix attacked the pancham and Coco with swift and little star-shaped projectiles pelted them. "Coco use play rough." The attack KO the cottony Pokemon and Bridget cheered with Mimikyu.

After the battle, the owner gave heart-shaped candies for the pokemon to the disguised leaders. Allister split his free ice cream with Bridget and Bea got a slice of yummy looking cake. Their pokemon weren't too hurt from the battle so they were resting in their pokeballs except for Coco who didn't have a ball. After they were finished eating they ordered some snacks for their other pokemon and headed back to the hotel.

Back in the hotel room, the trio released their pokemon so they could eat. Gengar tried to hoard the snacks but was yelled at by Coco. The little cream pokemon was very serious about food.

While they ate, Bridget put pancham on her lap and she started glowing. Soon the little scrapes that the little bear had vanished without a trace. She did the same with Coco. Her friends didn't even care that she was just glowing. It was something that she was able to do since they have known her. Afterall she routinely healed them and their pokemon, especially after battles.

After the pokemon finished eating, Allister took out a toy and threw it towards them. Several pokemon went after it and started hitting it towards each other. They had their pokemon a long time so they didn't fight with each other for the toy. It was always entertaining watching Bea's machamp play with the small bouncy ball. Before they knew it, dinnertime had arrived.

Chairman Rose had reserved the same room that they had their meeting in so they could eat in peace. Dinner was an informal buffet. No one questioned why a Gengar was gathering food and phasing into a table in the corner. Nor did they questioned the mimikyu that would randomly take sweets and run to the same table. It was perfectly normal during get-togethers. Allister and Bridget were enjoying themselves under the corner table. Raihan lent them his rotomphone do they could watch videos. Melody's younger children were under there with them.

Rotom loved the attention and asked for a group selfie. The kids huddled together with Bridget hugging Allister. The chairman called the children from under the table so that they could do a toast for the upcoming challenges. Everyone raised their cups and cheered.

"Bridget, remember how I told you that I would have a surprise for you? Well I decided to give it to you early," said Chairman Rose.

Bridget nodded and skipped over to the chairman. His assistant, Oleana, came over with an incubator that had a pokemon egg in it. "Really for me?! What kind of Pokemon is in the egg," she asked as she bounced up and down in excitement.

"That's part of the surprise," he replied. She hugged the chairman and Oleana in thanks. She carefully held the incubator and went to show Allister and Coco.

"What kind of pokemon did you give her? asked Leon. "I have no idea. Opal gave it to me for her. She apparently has another for her successor." The two men watched as Bridget happily showed off her egg. A big adventure awaited everyone because tomorrow was the opening ceremony.

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