Chapter 3

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Bridget woke up bright and early to make it to the taxi on time. She had set an alarm on Allister's phone to make sure he woke up on time too. She called him to check that he didn't sleep through it. He sounded sleepy but he said he was ready.

The little girl already told her forest friends that she would be away for a couple of days and gave them more treats to make up for it.

She asked the cabbie if she could give Coriviknight a berry when she got closer to the cab.

The cabbie told her she could and gave the giant bird some oran berries. He happily ate the berries and let the young girl pet him.

She sat across from her Aunt Opal and stared out the window with her alcremie, Coco. She loved seeing everything from the air. They arrived at Stow-on-side quickly and she waved at Allister and Bea as they entered the cab. Allister sat next to Bridget and stared at the sights with her. His mimikyu happily chatting with Coco as they enjoyed the view.

When they got out at Motostoke, Bridget gave the Coriviknight another berry and thank him and the cabbie.

Opal, being the senior member of the group, ushered everyone along to the Budew hotel. Most of the participants would be checking in later that day so it was relatively quiet in the lobby.

The group was escorted to a private meeting room for the gym leaders, champion, chairman, and their guests.

Bridget sat by Allister since he was too shy to go up to everyone to say hello. The good thing about the gym leaders in Galar is that they act as a giant family so they knew that Allister was very shy. All the major league gym leaders were there except for Piers who specialized in dark types.

Melody, the ice leader, was the group mother (literally for Gordie's case) so she came over first to check on Allister.

"It's good to see you, Allister. I see you brought your friend, Bridget, again this year. Have you two eaten yet?" She didn't wait for their answers and passed them a snack tray. She told them that they could come by her room later to play with her children if they wanted.

Kabu, the fire user, came by next. He politely greeted them and looked over the two young children. "I'm glad you two are doing well and that you are both wearing shoes."

"Auntie Opal gave me these Mr. Kabu. I still think I don't need them since now I know that glass can be on the street."

"Please continue to wear them while here for my peace of mind at least."

Bridget told Mr. Kabu not to worry about her walking barefoot outside of the hotel. He smiled and went to talk to the other adults. After they were said hi to all the other gym leaders, Leon finally appeared.
Bridget was 95% certain that the Champion got lost again.

Mr. Rose started the meeting going over the logistics of the opening ceremony again. Bridget didn't really pay attention since she wasn't a part of the ceremony and only here for moral support. She shared some snacks with Coco and doodled on a napkin to pass the time. She must have fallen asleep at one point because Allister tapped on her shoulder to let her know that the meeting was over.

Most of the gym leaders had already left except for Bea who was waiting for them. Mr. Rose and Leon were still in the room chatting. Leon waved goodbye and left the room

Bridget went up to the chairman to thank him for letting her come. "I am so happy that you let me come to the ceremony, Mr. Rose.

The chairman smiled down at her. "Think nothing of it. You are the unofficial official cheerleader of the gym leaders. In fact, I have a surprise for you tomorrow after the ceremony."

Bridget hopped up and down in excitement and hug the chairman. Mr. Rose laughed and patted her head. She left the room with her two friends and noticed Leon with a confused look on his face.

"Leon, said Bridget, "do you need help finding your room?"

The champion looked sheepish. "I may have forgotten where it is."

The trio escorted the champion to his room and then went to their rooms. Bea was right next to Allister and Bridget's room.

The duo's room had a queen size bed and their things were already there. Bridget jumped on the bed and started bouncing on it. Allister joined her in the bed to bounce. They both laughed and stopped bouncing when they got tired. Since he became a gym leader, Allister had been acting more mature so he could be taken seriously. Bridget made sure he still did fun things like jumping on a bed because growing up could wait.

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