Chapter 17

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Bridget made her way through the stadium to grab Bede. Their relationship was much better now that he was her Aunt Opal's successor. That had been an exciting day at Bellonea.

"So Auntie chose you for her successor? You cannot be so bad if she saw something in you," said Bridget, "Just so you know though, if you try anything like you did in Stow-on-the Side here then they will never find your body."

Bede had looked at Bridget like she was crazy but he nodded to get the little girl away from him. Their relationship evolved to the point that she calls Bede her older brother and he doesn't correct her anymore.

Bede was already in the stadium having snuck him in with Opal's gym trainers. The trick was going to be sneaking him to the arena area so he can make his case for battle.

Bridget was an expert at navigating the different stadiums due to being friends with Allister. She was also an expert prankster so she could could easily cause a distraction for the guards so Bede can pass through undetected.

"Saffron, Cinnamon, and Pistachios you guys know what to do," said Bridget.

Pistachios the impidimp was always ready for some chaos. He wasn't officially Bridget's pokemon but he like to tag along when mischief was involved.

Bridget gave the impidimp an empty pokeball to hold. She nodded and the pokemon ran off holding the ball up high in his hands.

"Someone help! That pokemon stole one of my pokeballs," shouted Bridget.

Some of the security guards started running after Pistachios to retrieve the pokeball. Saffron ran after the impidimp and tripped some of the guards.

Cinnamon the eevee went to the main concession area and started crying. She had a bow and a collar on so it was obvious that she was owned.

With chaos descending in the area, Bridget grabbed Bede from his hiding place.

"If you go through here you will end up at the arena entrance. This is the entrance Allister tends to use so avoid the locker room," said Bridget.

"I still don't know why you are helping me after everything," said Bede.

Bridget just giggled and pushed him in the right direction. She had pokemon to gather and a match to see.

Pistachios continued to make fools of the guards since they didn't want to send out their pokemon in the crowded stadium. Bridget felt a little bad but it was for a good cause. Saffron continued to chase after the impidimp and causing more chaos with the guards.

Little Cinnamon kept crying at the concession area and people were trying to calm down the little eevee. After a few moments, Bridget went to grab her eevee.

"Cinnamon! I'm so glad I found you. I thought I lost you forever," said Bridget dramatically.

She picked up her eevee and hugged her close, "Don't ever wander away from me again."

The people at the concession area all cooed at the sight. They had no idea that the two had purposely set up a distraction.

Cinnamon not crying anymore was the signal to Pistachios and Saffron to stop the act. Pistachios jumped into an air vent and would meet her back at her seat.

"We are so sorry, lass, the pokemon got away with the ball but we will continue to look for it," said one of the guards.

"Its okay, that pokeball is my purrloin's that was why she was chasing that pokemon. It's a good thing she was out of the ball when it was taken," said Bridget.

The guards apologized again and went back to their stations.

Cinnamon snuggled with Bridget while Saffron caught a ride on her head.

"Do I want to know what you were up to," asked Allister's mum when Bridget got back to her seat.

"I showed someone around the stadium," replied Bridget. She technically didn't lie but she could tell that Allister's mum knew she was being mischievous earlier.

"No wonder the fair folk like your family so much. Is the impidimp in the air vent a friend of yours," questioned Alice as she pointed to the pokemon.

Pistachios laughed and landed on the back of Bridget's seat. He handed her the pokeball back and helped himself to some of her candy.

Coco the alcremie updated Bridget on the match between Gloria and Hop. Gloria was winning but she did have two of her pokemon knocked out.

"Go Gloria! Girl power!!!"

Her pokemon cheered with her. Sure enough Gloria won her match against Hop.

Bridget giggled mischievously when Bede entered the field and implored everyone to give him a chance to prove himself.

"Yay!!! Go Bede!!! That's my brother!!!" shouted Bridget.

"Do you think he will win against Gloria," asked Alice.

"Nope, Gloria is going to slaughter him but I have show my support for Bede," responded Bridget.

Alice laughed at her best friend's daughter. Bridget was a lot like Maeve when she was her age. They were both helpful and mischievous at the same time. Bridget's mother was known for getting in trouble at school for fighting just like her daughter does now.

Cinnamon the eevee cheered loudly when Bede's sylveon was sent out. "You must be proud of your brother, Cinnamon. He is a very handsome sylveon," said Bridget, "Bede may act mean but he wouldn't have gotten an eevee to evolve into sylveon if he didn't love his pokemon."

"Vee vee," said Cinnamon.

Bridget snuggled Cinnamon, "You don't have to evolve as fast as your brother did. I love you no matter what."

Bede was down to his last pokemon. He gigantamax his hatterene for his last stand.

"Go hatterene, oh no that's a polteageist," said Bridget, "Poor hatterene."

Everyone watched as the hatterene was brought down by Gloria's polteageist. The two trainers shook hands after the battle. Bridget left her seat to retrieve Bede and have him sit with her.

"That battle was ace! You proved that you are an awesome trainer," said Bridget.

Bede actually rustled her hair, "Believe it or not but hearing you say that makes me happy."

"Come on come on! You can sit with me at the vip section to watch the rest of the matches. We have to cheer for Allister!" said Bridget as she pulled Bede along.

Bede may have lost his sponsorship for the tournament from Rose but he thinks he gained something much more important. Not that he would ever admit it.

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