Ch.14: Almost Dead and The One

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Eithan's POV

While I was at work I couldn't help but think about Angie. I kept visioning her dead across her bed. I just took it out my mind. It always comes back. I asked my boss can I take some personal leave time. She said ya. I hopped into my car and sped to her house. I ran every red light and every stop sign. I pulled In to her yard. I opened the unlocked door and ran up the stairs skipping 3 stairs at a time. I tripped on the last one but hurriedly got back up. I ran to her room and saw she was asleep on her bed. I sighed a sigh of relief.

"Angie!" I called.

No reply.

"Angie!!" I called louder this time.

Still no answer.

I walked over to her and rolled her over. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head and she was pale. She was barely breathing. I pulled out my phone and called 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 Wheres ur ergency?"

"218 Openwood Plantation!"

"Their 5 minutes away!"


I dropped my phone and the battery popped out. I hurriedly put it back in and waited for it to come on. I heard the sirens in a distance. I checked her pulse one more time. It was even slower than before. She was colder and paler. A tear slipped down my cheek. Mason walked in the room.

"What the heck man whats wrong with Angie?"

"I don't know I came here and found her like this."

The door downstairs opened and Paramedics came running in. They put her on the strecher and carried her out. I ignored Mason and ran behind them. Its Masons fault why she could die. Anger raged inside me. Mason grabbed me from my jacket collar and jerked me back. I turned around and lunged at him. He flew backwards. I pulled the pocketknife out my pocket and stabbed him. Her screamed and covered his heart with his hands. Blood was spurting out of his wound.

Some policemen grabbed me from behind and handcuffed me. I tried my best to get away but they had me under control. The carried me out to the police car and put me in the backseat. They ran back in and put Mason on another strecher. Apparently two ambulances showed up. They loaded him up and drove off. The two policemen came and got back into the car. They drove me to the police station. They took me in and put me in a cell and threw a orange suit at me.

"Put that on, now!" He yelled taking off my handcuffs.

I put the suit on and sat there. He came back later and made sure I had it on. He took me out the cell and placed me in another cell with a cellmate.

"What you in for?" He asked.

"attempted murder."

He nodded and said "same."

I nodded and sat on the bottom bunk.

Angie's POV

I felt some one pumping on my chest. I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly. The light hurt my eyes. I was cold and pale.

"Angela did you try and commit suicide."

I nodded.

They stopped pumping my chest and removed the oxygen thing off my mouth. I took a breath and relaxed. I looked around.

"Where's Eithan?"

"He got arrested and the other guy Mason is dead."

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Eithan stabbed Mason and Mason died on the way here."

I was shocked.

"Your free to go if you get any weird feelings come back."

I got up and ran towards the exit. I caught a ride in a cab. I ran into the jailhouse. I asked to speak to Eithan Williams.

They bought him out. I hugged him and he squeezed me.

I looked him in the eyes and kissed him. I kissed him like I never kissed anyone before. I never wanted it to end. We came up for air but it didnt last long. We kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed until I heard Dereks voice from behind me.

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