Ch.18: Derek and Eithan? Related?

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I awoke to Eithan's alarm clock. I awoke him and told him to get up. My phone began ro rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Princess you and Eithan get ready i'll be there at 11:30. "

"Your getting both of us? I thought you where just getting him!"

"No both of you are coming i'll be there at 11:30. Be ready."

He hung up with that. He sounded different. Like he was really really serious. I just brushed it off and got out of bed. Eithan used my shower and I used the one downstairs. Once I came out I went back upstairs. I had on some booty shorts, and a black short sleeve top with my converse boots. Eithan had on soms nice jeans and a green polo shirt with some green addidas.

"Why don't you clean up nice." I said planting a kiss in his lips.

"Why thank you, but do you really think you should wear that its kinda slutty. You can only dress like that for me." He said.

"Whatever!" I said pushing him.

He laughed. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch. We had 10 minites left until my dad gets here. I laid on his arm. We watched Scary Movie 3 for 10 minutes. Like me dad said he was, he was there exactly 11:30. I opened the door and my dad was waiting. We walked out and to his car. I let Eithan sit in the front seat. My dad didn't ask us anything on the ride to Wendy's. Eithan offered to pay for me and my dads meal. He talked to Eithan mostly.

"So son how long have you been dating my daughter?" My dad asked him.

"Um about 2 1/2 months." Eithan replied.

"Have you been treating her well?"

"Yes sir!"

"Did you try to stop her from dressing the way she did?"

"Yes sir I did but she refused."

I laughed.

My dad nodded and laughed himself.

"Well I just hope you treat her better than and Derek boy. Yesterday I could've killed him for calling my daughter that b word."

"Yes sir Angie told told me." He replied.

"Do you know that Derek boy?" He asked.

"Uh yes sir I do I'm related to him. He's my cousin on my dad's side. I just never get in his path. He can do some pretty bad destruction. He been back and forth out of jail. When I found out he was dating Angie I tried telling her but she never listened. She always told me to 'shut up and leave her alone and stop making up stories about him' I tried telling her one last time but she just ignored me. So I stopped trying." He said.

"You never told me that Derek was your cousin!" I told Eithan.

"Because I didn't want you to think I was like him. His whole family is abusive. I'm not abusive. But my dad is. He killed my mom because she refused to have sex with him. He shot her. When I heard it I took the bags I had under my bed and ran away but I returned because I had nowhere to go. For years I've been abused by my dad but I never told anyone. When Angie called me that night and asked me to come over I was relieved. I thought that maybe I had a shot at leaving that hell hole. And I did and Angie I thank you for that. Me and you have been through hell these past few days but that never stopped me from loving you. Angie I love you and I will til the time comes to stop. I thank you for letting me live with you and I'm sorry for the day my dad tried to kill you. I thought for sure you would've left me. But when you didn't I was relieved. I thank you and love you from the bottom of my heart Angie."

I was crying. I never thought Eithan felt this way. I wiped my eyes with the napkin and watched as he excused himself and went to the bathroom. My dad came around and hugged me. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I wiped it away and straightened up. I got up and excused myself also and went to the bathroom.


I sat in the bathroom and let my tears slip. I never thought I would have to tell that story again. I walked into the bathroom stall and leaned againest the wall. I've had feeling like this for anyone. I've never told anyone that story before. I always kept it secret. But it feela good to actually get it off my chest. I wiped my eyes and walked out the stall. I took was last look at myself in the mirror and walked out. Angie walked out the womens bathroom. She looked at me and embraced me in a hug. I hugged her back. I could tell she had been crying because her face was red and puffy.

"I had no idea about all of those things about you why didn't you tell me before?" She asked.

"I never thought to tell anyone. I always keep it a secret. But when I'm with you none of those feelings are there anymore."

She hugged me tighter. I did the same.

"Come on," I said "Lets get back to your dad!"

I let her go and we walked back to her dad.

"Son I just want to let you know, you have approval to date my daughter. Don't screw it up!" He said.

I smiled and embraced Angie with a quick kiss. I then hugged her. I was truly happy for once.


I held hands with Eithan as we walked out Wendy's. We got in my dad's car and he took us home. He walked us in and gave me a hug. He even hugged Eithan.

"Thank you son for sharing that story and about yesterday, any man that is willing to jump infront of a bullet to save my daughter has my approval to date my daughter." He said shaking his hand.

"Thank you sir!" Eithan said as he smile and shook my fathers hand.

My dad left and me and Eithan went upstairs. I laid my head on his chest and traced his abs with my finger. He was asleep. I got up and went downstairs and watched tv. I laid across the couch and watched Another Cinderella Story. I drifted off to sleep somewhere in the middle of it.


I awoke in my bed. Eithan wasn't there. I looked out the window and saw his car was gone. I crawled back into bed and turned on the tv. I watched scooby doo since it was the only thing good on. I watched it until I heard the door downstairs open. I walked downstairs and didn't see anyone. I walked into the kitchen and was relieved when I saw Eithan.

"Omigod Eithan you scared me."

"Sorry babe," he said planting a kiss on my cheek. " I thought maybe you where still asleep and I didn't want to wake you."

I nodded and helped him unpack the groceries. We put everything where it went and walked upstairs. I don't remember how but we ended up in a make out session. The doorbell rang from downstairs. We ignored it ths first and second time. But after the 3rd time they just keep ringing it and ringing it and ringing it and ringing it and ringing it and ringing it and ringing it and so on. I finally opened the door and you'll never guess who and what were at the door.

Who do you think was at the door. Place your answer in the comments. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks guys. ~Brittany

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