Ch.30: Kenzie's missing

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I looked around the room and saw the window closing. Eithan saw it too. He ran to the window as I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I saw what looked like Derek's car pulling out the driveway. I grabbed my keys and hoped in my own car. I cranked it up and followed after them. They turned down an old abandoned street. I don't think they know I'm following them yet.

They slowly came to a stop infront of me. Luckily I had my phone in my pants pocket. I quickly texted Eithan and told him where I was. I got out my car and hid behind a tree as I watched them take a girl out the backseat and push her. She looked like Kenzie. They walked into the house and I slowly approached the door. I looked threw the little glass in the middle of the door and saw that it was Kenzie. I waited and saw that they took her to a room. I followed from the outside of the house. They locked the door to the room and walked out.

I hid behind the house where, I think, they couldn.t see me. They walked out the front door and got back into the car. I'm glad they couldn't see my car and that my car was parked on down the road. Once the car was out of sight, I walked into the house and made my way into the room Kenzie was in.

As I opened the door I heard her crying softly. I opened the door wider and peered inside. She saw me.

"Mommy!" She cried.

I looked at her wet, puffy, red face and immediately wanted to hurt who ever did this.

"Well Well Well, looks like you did find us. I knew that voice anywhere, but something seems so wrong about that voice, but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Why, Why would you take her? Why could't you just take me instead. She never did anything to you." I yelled with anger clear in my voice.

"I took her to get back at you my plan didn't work while you where in that coma so it has to work now." He said Calmly.

"Why not just vandalize my car or my house or something but to take my kid, that's not necessary." I said back.

"Whatever Just let me get my kid and I'll leave."

"I can't do that sweetpea."

"And why not, she's mine."

"Because until your dead this child can't be yours."

"and Why not you didn't produce her." I said.

"That does't mean anything?"

I turned to go get Kenzie and leave but, he grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!" I hissed.

He obeyed but right as I went to reach for Kenzie something stuck me in the arm and leg. I slowly became weak and light headed. I slowly begin to fall. I finally hit the floor with a thud and everything went black!


~2 hours later~

I slowly awoke and let my eyes adjust to the light. I looked around and saw the person staring at me in the corner.

"Good your awake. Look what I found!" He Said.

He grabbed something behind him and it came clear to my veiw that it was a person. I looked at them closely and noticed that it was Eithan!

"Eithan!" I yelled.

He threw Eithan towards me and Eithan stumbled over to me. He hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. I kissed him back and we sat down and Eithan stood up walked up to the man!

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