Ch.29: Makenzie Malia Thomas

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Thank to those of you who submitted baby names. I really appreciate it. I had really great names submitted. I have chosen my names and ready to tell you guys. Read on in the story to find out. Thanks to those of you who submitted the names that I choose. Thanks again! Picture of the girl on the side. She is 1 in the picture.


Angie's POV

"The baby's name is Makenzie Malia Thomas." I said proudly.

The nurse smiled and wrote the name down on paper. Eithan smiled down at me and kissed me.

"I love that name." He whispered to me.

I smiled at himm and nodded.

The nurse came back in and handed Eithan the birth certificate and took Makenzie out of my arms. My smile slowly faded as she left. I Eithan walked out with them.

The nurse came back in and told me to rest and I would be leaving tomorrow. I nodded rested my head on my pillow and let out a breath I hadn't relized I'd been holding. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.


I awoke the next morning to the nurse unattaching machines from my arm.

"Goodmorning Ms. Thomas. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Good my stomach hurts a little."

"Well thats just a side effect, it will feel better soon."

"I hope so."

She smiled at me and unattached the last machine and walked out. Eithan walked in and grabbed my hand.

"Hey get up and get dressed and so we can go get Kenzie so we can leave. This place brings back memories." He said.

I slowly got out of bed and changed. Once I changed I got changed and out of that hospital gown I felt better. I had changed into my white skinny jeans and a pink cut out sleeve shirt and sandals. Eithan grabbed my hand and we walked out to go get Makenzie.

"I like the nickname you came up with for her." I told him.


I nodded and we rounded the corner for the nursery room. We signed a few papers and got Makenzie. I carried her out and let Eithan ride in his lap as I drove us home. I drove us home and made Kenzie a bottle of milk. She gulped it right down. Once she drank it all I put her on my shoulder and burped her.


"Wow that sounded like a grown person." I said.

Eithan came up around the corner laughing.

"You weren't lying when you said that." He laughed.


~Two Years Later~

"Happy Birthday Makenzie." We shouted.

She laughed and smiled.

We gave her the first slice of cake. She tore into without her fork. I smiled and helped her. She eventually used her fork after I told her five times.

I hugged some of the other guest and they congradulated me on my baby. Finally after everyone was settled and done eating we opened presents. I took Kenzie out of her chair and put her on the floor. I gave her, her first present, which was from my dad. I looked at my dad who had the biggest smile on his face. It was a big box with princess wrapping paper.

Kenzie grabbed it and unwrapped it.

She squealed with happiness one she finally got the paper off. It was that dollhouse she wanted. It was 6 stories high and came with four dolls and a car with four seats, and four doors. I gave her the next gift which was a smaller one and was from my grandma. Kenzie unwrapped it and squealed with happiness again. It was a doll for her doll house.

I moved it to the side and handed her another gift. This one was a bigger then my dad's and was from my grandpa. She did the same routine but she got up and jumped up and down. I looked at it and relized it to be that Camaro she was riding threw walmart a few weeks ago.

After the last few gifts we were finally at the second to the last one. It was a medium sized gift from Eithan. She unwrapped it and got the biggest smile on her face and clapped and squealed. It was tutu dress with a pair of baby converse boots. It was really pretty.

We were finally at my gift. She unwrapped the box and looked at the gift. Her eyes widened at the gift and she laughed and smiled. I got her two dolls and outfits for her dolls and more furniture for the doll house.

After the gifts everyone started to leave one by one. After 20 minutes everyone was gone. Kenzie was playing with new dolls and doll house.

"Hey Kenzie," I called. "Wanna go ride your new car." I asked.

She got up and ran over to her car and jumped in. I put the battery in and wheeled her outside.

"Hey Eithan, will you please put Kenzie's toys and stuff in her room?"

"Ya okay I will."

"Thanks!" I said.

I let her ride it in the driveway and the yard. She even tried to run me over with it. I took her in after and hour. As I walked in I saw Eithan going up the stairs with the doll house.

"Mommy!" Kenzie said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Where are my toys?" She asked.

"Upstairs with daddy!" I told her.

She outstreched her arms, which ment to pick her up. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. I walked into her room and places her on the floor.

"Mommy play with me!" She said.

I walked over and played with her.

"Mr.Gibson come to my room."

"I coming don't rush me." I stated.

After an hour of playing with Kenzie she got tired and fell asleep. I put her in her bed and went and cuddled with Eithan. We kissed and cuddled until we finally fell asleep.

Around 1:15 the next morning we awoke to Kenzie crying and things in her room falling. We ran to her room.

Halfway there the crying stopped and a door slammed. Eithan Kicked in the door to her room and she was gone.


Cliff Hanger. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. A pic is on the right of Makenzie. Thanks again to the name winners!

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