Ch.33: GNO

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As Lily pulled into the parking lot of the club, I began to feel a little nervous. I hands started to sweat a little. Soon as I opened the car door, I could hear the music blasting from the double doors. I saw a line of people waiting. I followed Lily and Devin. We skipped a bunch of people and they were complaining.

"You can't skip!"

"Get to the back of the line!"

"Sercurity their skipping!" Yelled a bunch of sluts.

I ignored all of their complaints and potty mouths towards us and walked to the bouncer.

"Lily and a group!" She said.

The bouncer moved the velvet rope and let us in. I followed closely behind Lily and watched as people were on the dancefloor shaking and sweating. The club smelled of sweat and alcohol. It was a terrible combination. I found my way to the bathroom and as soon as I walked I heard moaning. I guess some one was having a good time with a stranger.

I walked back out and made my way to the bar.

"What may I get you?" Asked a really HOT bartender. (Yes the all caps hot was necessery)

"Uuuuhhh a Margerita please."

He nodded and fixed my drink.

As I was drinking my drink some guy who reaked of sweat and alcohol came up to me.

"Hey hotstuff wanna dance?" He asked.

"With you, no thanks." I said.

"Why baby, you know you want to. I'll give you the time of your life." He said rubbing his hand on my thigh.

"Get away from me!" I said.

He angrily got up and left.

I made my way to the dance floor and started dancing with lily. It was really fun. After about 10 minutes the bartender that I saw earlier came up to me.

"Hey wanna dance?" He yelled over the music.

I nodded and followed him.

He grabbed my hands and we danced together. After about some song I didn't know came on, my jam came on. Cobra Starship- You make me feel good.

"Girl I've been all over the world looking for you!"

I danced more like I ment it. I grinded and moved close to his body. He took that as his oppurtunity to move closer to me. I could feel his body heat on my body. I began to sweat. After You make me feel good went off Your're my only shawty by Ariana Grande came on. That song was my jam.

Lily and Devin came and joined us. We all danced together until the song went off. After dancing we all went and got a drink. I got margerita, Lily got Vodka mixed with Dr.Pepper, Devin just got plan vodka, and I still haven't got his name, but he got a Beer.

"By the way, My name is Robert!"

"Nice to meet you Robert, I'm Angela, but everyine calls me Angie!"

"Well nice to mee you Angie!" I nodded and sipped my Margerita. The rest of the night was fantastic. Me and Robert had a little fun. I haven't had that much fun in a while.

Around 3 o'clock I was dropped off drunker than my grand dad at beerfest. I stumbled to my room and fell unto my bed. I closed my eyes and laid on the pillow. I felt someone climb into my bed beside me. They started rubbing my side.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time!" They said climbing on top of me.

Only for a slpit second had my vison been clear and not blurry. Caleb was o topo of me. He took of his shirt and then his pants and slid my dress and heels off of me. I was to drunk to relize what was happening. He played with my tits and then kissed me. We began to make love without me relizing it and knowing I would regret it when I found out.

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