Make The Most Of It

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 Another long time no see. WEHEY! Sorry for a short chappie, it's not yet done but I have to upload it since I don't want to leave you guys hanging in the air.


[Adrian's P.O.V]

                          I saw the look on the doctor's eyes. It is not a good sign. I gulped and looked at Josh. His eyes are all squinted. I sighed and forced a smile. I know what that sentence meant. I know what will the doctor say. I know what will happen. I am completely aware of my body and my senses. My heart and my mind. But here I am, forcing a smile in front of Josh because I don't want to ruin this perfect moment.

                          I am already engaged with the most wonderful man in the whole universe and there is nothing that can stop us. Even if it means that I have to lie to myself, I'll take it. Just to make the both of us happy. 

                          Besides, I already planned everything out.

                          That is... if I really die.

                          I looked at Josh and grabbed his hand, our fingers interlocking to each other, feeling each other's warmth. As we follow the doctor to his office, it seems as if my heart fails to beat every single step I take. I know this is not good but this is just the side-effects of being too much nervous. I have nothing to be nervous about. Because I know this is coming.

                          I know. 

                          I forced myself to still smile at Josh. I know it is not a very convincing smile but it'll do. He smiled back at me, a sign of reassurance that everything will be alright. 

                          When we're in front of the doctor's office, I stopped. 

                          "What's wrong?" Josh said with his worried expression.

                          "I think it's best if you should stay here outside." 

                          It took a second for him to realize what I have just said then quickly gave me a skeptical look. "Adrian, I'm not a moron. I, too, know what's coming up. But we have to accept it and face it together either way alright?"

                          "What is coming up Josh?" I asked him, but it's more like asking myself. What is really coming up Adrian? What will the doctor say? How can you know if it's bad or not? How can you say that it's about your life?

                          "Don't make me say it... Please." Josh said, looking down. I've never seen him so weak. I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. 

                          "Please don't cry if it's because you think I'm.. you know... going to di-"

                          "No you're not." He sharply cutted me off. A little hint of anger was in his voice. I understand his situation. It's hard for him so I just let him do what he wants and we went inside the doctor's office. 

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