I Ruined You

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  • Dedicated to MY FREAKO COUSIN

                        Like the new cover of the book? Thanks to my dearly cousin! I love her!  Okay! Vote , share and comment if you might! 


[Chad's P.O.V]

                       Before I enter this big mansion , I already composed myself up. Someone's gonna be crying tonight. Before Josh went to the comic store , he talked to me about what's gonna happen tonight. He knew that his dad won't even bother to agree or even understand his decision. I know these kind of people. His son was his pride and hearing your son is gay , it quite hurts. But Josh knew it'll come to this point and it was now or never. This is the first time he asked for my help. We don't really meet each other face to face that much but we know each other because of Adrian. He asked for my help and I agreed. For Adrian. He knew his dad wouldn't like his decision and that his dad will try to jeapordize Adrian's life and Josh would be powerless. That's why my mission here is to grab Adrian outside this mansion right after the big surprise happens. And after this , I bet they will not see each other in a long period of time. Just a guess. He said it's time to do my role for Adrian as his friend. He said that I should comfort him when he's down. And I gladly accept it. 

                       I've been gone for a long time. I didn't try to bother Adrian's and Josh's life together. Because it would make me look stupid. Seeing them happy satisfies me as well as everyone else. I am mature enough to say that I don't really belong there. I don't have a space for Adrian , we're just friends , the end. I am nothing special for his eyes. The feelings we felt was just an infatuation. If that's the case , I had to go on with my life. Why would I force myself to love someone who doesn't love me back? It's like loving a wall. It makes you look crazy. I mean , who loves a wall? Pfsh! That's how easy I take life. If they don't like then go , if they do then risk it. Life is not complicated as you think it is. Problems? You can't solve it? Suicide. It is still your decision to make , whether to make your life complicated or easy. It's all in our minds. The challenges , it seems hard because you think of it as hard. If you think of it as easy then it'll be easy. Just like my mom said 'it's just your psychological thoughts'. And that's why I live like this. Easy brizzy. 

                       The guards opened the door for me. And in a second , I found myself in an awe. His house is huge. There's many people around the main floor , all of them are chatting and all of them strived hard to get the standard of being classy. Because they chose to do that. I roamed my eyes across the room trying to find Adrian. Then I saw a red headed girl looking at me as if I'm her right pony for her birthday. On her arms resting Adrian's. I guess I found him. The red headed girl whispered something at Adrian and giggled. Just as when I'm about to talk to him , some lady grabbed Adrian at the arm and made his way in front of the crowd. 

                       Guess I was right on time. 

                       Then Josh started talking. "Ladies and gentlemen. I just want to thank you guys for coming on our eloquent event. The Strength Corporation is somehow on the right track and still one of the best companies in New York. The main reasons why we threw a party today is that we should celebrate while we can , as you can see , we're in the middle of a war between the Power Corporation and the Brave Corporation , my dad , decided that we should merge with the Power magazine or should I say Power corporation to beat the number one corporation in the whole America , Brave Corporation. But as you all know , I can't do that for some reasons , I don't mean to be selfish but I don't want us depending on other people , that's why we're entittled Strenth for some reasons. But... There's this big announcement I wanted to make."

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