Money Is No Subject

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The reason why I have these late uploads lately is because I have these activities without a rest and if there is one its "sleep". So I literally have no time to think about wattpad but eventually I visit it everytime so for those of you who thought that I'm dead. Nope. No I'm not. I'm just being sexual. And watching Jenna Marbles and Smosh and Pewwwwdiepieeeh. *Smiles* 


[Adrian's P.O.V]

                               I woke up , probably sore , because of last night's drama. But now I feel light because he accepted me for who I am and what I have. Now that Josh knew what I have. Its time to tell my friends —Chad— that I have Parkinson's. So that they won't freak out when I start acting all weird. They thought it was cute that I was always nervous and had this little mannerism of biting my lips or looking down on my shoes. But it's a sign that I will tremble so I forced myself not too. One time I was so nervous that I didn't notice that my lips were bleeding and it made everyone worried but little they know is that their panicking made me more nervous. So my mom kind of isolated me from others because she was scared. That's why I'm such a brat and stupid because I didn't got the chance to be outside and have actual friends. I remember when they were arguing about New York and I was so upset that day because I really want to be in the big city. And if it wasn't for my dad I wouldn't be here. So Cheers to dad. 

                               I got off the bed, wondering where's Josh. I put my Captain America slippers and went to the bathroom. I look at myself. Horley Muchos! I look like a shit! Oh my glob. Did I took drugs yesterday? Nah. I don't do drugs. I washed my face and fix my hair, I drank my pills and put some cologne. I also noticed that I didn't change my clothes so I change into something comfortable. I breathe in and out feeling excited about the smell of spring or should I say cow poops from my window. There's so much things that I want to do now that I'm back home. I got downstairs and I can smell the bacon and the egg. Oh glob I can't wait to eat. 

                               "Hey Hun!" Mom greeted me with a cheerful smile and I smiled. She kissed my cheeks and went back to her stove. Or in other words her space. Like me, she's also sensitive about her space. 

                               "Mum! Whatcha cooking?" I asked as I took a glass of milk. 

                               "Chinese." She smiled. And some stupid idea came to me. And wait what? She's cooking Chinese? Isn't that illegal? That's committing murder!

                               "How can you make those?" I asked lamely. Ignoring the weird thought inside my head. It's common sense you know. I remembered how Josh loves Asian food and homemade food, it would be so nice if I can cook him some. 

                               "I'll tell you when you're in the right age." I rolled my eyes. I'm in the right age. "No, seriously. Not now. I don't have a time. Your father is coming and I need to prepare, he was so hyped that you're here by the way. And if you're worry about him not liking Josh, don't worry, he's also happy about that." I was about to ask that but I guess moms have the ability to read their children's minds. Dad was a little against about me being gay at first but mum explained and I know my dad has a big heart and despite of me having this disease, he just let it be and accepted me for who I am, I am gay. But who cares? I started dating guys or should I say blind dates but I stopped because I know halfway there, they'll just freak out because sooner or later I'll start trembling. They thought it was weird so they ran away and it hurted my feelings so I have never done it again, that's one of the reason why I have this low self-esteem.

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