That's A Bad Thing

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 Sorry for the delay. And pardon me for the grammatical errors and scenes that sometimes don't make sense. I will edit them I promise so be sure to check it out daily. And please Vote :)


[Adrian's P.O.V]

                            Its been 3 weeks now since the time where Chad and I had a dinner and Josh and I were on the park. The other days just flies by because everyone were so busy and when I say everyone I meant me and my other office mates. But spring is coming and I really want to have fun and I'm planning to go at my parent's house this weekend but its still tentative. Who knows what will happen this weekend? But anyways , its Sunday and normally when its Sunday it means day off but for us JSR employees , we're gonna have a half day chores and things like that. 

                            I'm still on my bed. Still thinking what should I do tonight. Its been 3 weeks! Chad and I became closer same to Josh. I sighed , why is it always when I think about Josh , I also think of Chad and when I think about Chad , Josh will suddenly appear out of my mind and it makes me confuse. Not to mention they become weirder and weirder as day flies by. But I know its non of my bussiness to mind them. I have my own life to take care of. Speaking of life, today is the publishing of the new volume of Captain America comic book , and I need to be the first person to get there and buy it , smell it , touch it , lick it and look at it with its shining shimmering paper. Good thing I already have my first salary , and half of it , I gave it to my parents and they were so happy. I get higher salary than the other staffs because I'm the assistant or the secretary according to some people. How lucky I was huh?

                            I have to get that Captain America comic book or else!

                            I observe my surroundings , its still 6:00 am in the morning and the book store will open in 30 minutes , after I buy that book , I'll go straight ahead to my job. I got up from my bed and fix it. I wonder where's Chad , normally he would be in the kitchen but he's not.

                            I yawned. I'm still sleepy though , I can't barely open my eyes , touching my surroundings would work. I'm too lazy to open my eyes. I got my towel and some random underwear and walked straight ahead to the bathroom. I already memorized the structure of our apartment so I don't even need to open my eyes knowing where's the bathroom. When I open the bathroom my eyes widened and my whole spirit lifts up and I suddenly become fully awake about what I saw.

                            Is this true? Or I'm still dreaming?

                            It took a second before we both realized it.

                            "Woah!" Chad gets a towel to cover himself up. Did I just saw Chad fully naked in front of the shower for like 10 seconds? And is that a leg or his manhood? My eyes become wider than before. Then reality slapped me. 

                            I shrieked!

                            "Do you even lock your door?!" I said in surprise , covering my eyes and going to the couch. I know its too late because I already saw everything and blush made its way on my cheek. I imagine myself looking like a full tomato. 

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