Does He Even Smile?

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For giving back your niceness , I decided to upload another chapter. Its just that your reactions inspires me to write and it makes me feel good. I just want to thank you all. Let's hope that this story gets big. Please share if its deserving. The picture there is the structure of JSR Company's main office. 


[Adrian's P.O.V

                              He left the office without a word. I sighed heavily. Phew! At least I can breathe now , now that he's gone. I just feel so suffocated around him. Makes me feel weird. Probably because he's hot and his green eyes are hypnotizing. I wonder if he ever smiles. Maybe I should ask that to Eunice. 

                              You're stupid. Are you judging? No! Don't judge. Your mom never taught you that.

                              For your information , conscience , I'm not judging , I'm just curious. Ugh!

                              I walk outside the office and look for the red headed girl with a trench coat. She's at the back of the room. This floor is full of computers and workers , you can hear the sound of the keyboards and mouses. Its like heaven. I always love the sound of the keyboard when you're typing. You know when you type nonstop and the sound it makes. It makes me feel like I'm smart and a professional whatever. Just like in the movies like Mission Impossible. 

                              She saw me and she ran as fast as she can , she's quiet beautiful for a supervisor. And probably young. But you know technology these days. they can make you look young but can also make your titties bigger. 

                              I shrugged of the idea. 

                              "Hey!" She panted , chasing her breath. I feel guilty. I'm just gonna ask some silly old question and now she's here dying in front of me. I'm so stupid. I should just jump off the building and die. But that's being psycho and suiciding is a sin. But since when did I become religious? I don't know. Weird. "So? I am hoping you have a question. Mr. Rogers left awhile ago right? He has a meeting with his dad. I guess its a family problem." I nod. 

                              "I just want to ask if..." Bitting my lip. Does this question makes me look like I'm droo;ing over my boss? Because 50 minutes ago since I got here and I'm thinking some weird thoughts about him and about everyone. This company is weird. 

                              "If?" She raises her brow. Oh. I forgot that she's here. 

                              "If my boss even smiles. Just even a little bit?" I used my hand gestures. Bitting my lip. Maybe he just needs to be cheered up? But who am I to do that? I'm just an assistant and that's it. "Because he's very intimidating." I put my hands behind me and look down. Feeling like I shouldn't ask this. 

                              "Well , I don't know. I don't see him laugh or smile his entire life. Does he even smile? No I guess. If someone made him smile I guess that person must be very special. And who knows , maybe he'll find out his right person for him." She shrugs and smiles at me. Then randomly pinch my cheek "You're so cute! I so want a brother like you. Innocent and Inquisitive. Will you be my brother?" She ask , she's like a little girl asking for a candy. I chuckled , I feel so belong now. Thanks to Eunice. 

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