You Have A Roommate?

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You guys are so incredible! I am very thankful that there is a lot of people who's adding this book to their reading list. Some part of me said that you need to update to thank them and this is me thanking you guys. Its not really that long compare to the past chapters , I'm in a middle of school week here! So I'm sorry if its a little short. And sorry for my grammatical errors , I promise I'll edit it once I'm free. A very cute Adrian at the side of the page.


[Adrian's P.O.V]

I said my good-bye to Josh as his car gets smaller and smaller at my sight. His car is not the typical ones who has some silver paint and fancy looking sits in it. He's not the 'Sports-car-kind-of-guy' but more of 'classy-old-fashioned-kind-of-a-guy'. The trip was all quiet and awkward. I'm so stupid , I tend to make things awkward and awkward things to be more awkward. Its like I have a curse or something like that. And if its really a curse then its one hell of a curse.

I walked inside the building , looking for Linda but as usual , she's out by 7 and its passed 8. But I need to borrow her typewriter somehow because I don't have a laptop and anything like those as fancy as Josh's. I know how to use computer but I just don't like to buy my own laptop because there are more things to buy. Like shoes.

And Captain America's Comics.

You're such a nerd.

Am not! At least that's what I think. Everyone is not too old for Captain America! So shut it alter ego.

I left a note at Aunt Linda's desk to borrow her typewriter and go upstairs to do my work. My first very work in a writing industry ever. This is my dream. To be appreciated and be published. Its every writers' dream. To be published. And it seems unfair nowadays that people can only appreciate what they see and what's trending. They don't appreciate the works of other authors which has more moral lessons and other things like that. No offense to twilight fans. Sometimes its just too predictable. And when I write a book , I avoid predictable stuffs. But I admit its hard. Specially when you lack inspiration. Like me. I don't even have a life. Well at least that's what I say in my mind.

I got upstairs and open the door. Whoah! its very dark in here. I open the lights and changed my mind. On the second thought , why don't I just work downstairs. Its kinda creepy in here. Every time I'm alone in a room I always remember the Silent Hill effect. Like it gave me a trauma for being alone in an apartment. You will never know if there's a ghost or not. So better safe than sorry.

You're just making excuses because you're too scared and such a pussy.


I worked all night that I didn't notice the time. Where's Chad? I wonder. He's probably clubbing so he's gonna be late as usual. I was done writing. It was so easy and I have a lot of things in my mind. So I guess this can be it. I hope Josh will like it.

Speaking of Josh.

Its been a tough day. I can still feel the pain in my wrist. I didn't even tell mom about it. But let's just leave it that way where she should not worry because I'm 21 years old. I bit my lip. Am I ready for New York? Tomorrow is the real start. I consider myself lucky looking for a job in just a day. Thanks to my college degree they liked me. But not so lucky about my boss. Josh.

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