My 100th I Love You

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                                Before anything else , I have lots of stories on my drafts and one of them is "My 100th I Love You" and it will come out soon! Hello Sweet Angel Cupcakes! I am so sorry if my updates are like slower than turtles! Geez it's been almost 2 months! But I am alive now ! Vote, share , spread the love :)


[Adrian's P.O.V] 

                                I left the boy because it's getting awkward and knowing me , I tend to make things more awkward. Cody looks like he's really into reading the comics so I don't want to interfere. It's just funny because he was in an event like this and still reading his hobby out. I wish I can do that. But I have a job. I am a secretary. Is this how secretaries work? I mean to be honest all I did was to fix his schedules , fix his folders and papers and fix his everything. I never really called someone about his appointments or reversing it , no one really called me , I thought that's the job of being a secretary? Unless. It's all a lie! HA! Not gonna happen , my salary is really huge so that's just a waste of time. But yeah part of being a secretary is flirting with your boss , though I'm not the one who's really flirting and besides , we really love each other so there's nothing wrong about it.

                                I guess...

                                I walked out of the comfort room just to see Eunice with her beautiful white cocktail dress. It goes along with her auburn hair. She takes her phone out of her purse and snapped a picture of me. I blinked. "Why?" I asked. Confuse. 

                                "You look really cute in that suit. You're like a kitten. A cheese puff." She giggles and offered her arm as I gladly took it. I know it should be another way around but I would never offer my arm for her , I'm too shy for that. I bit my lip. There's a lot of people and this is a very huge venue for a convention. All of the people looks classy and so old.

                                If I said that out loud I swear people will attack me. 

                                "Hey Eunice , can I ask what is the event all about?" I asked while look around for Josh. He was gone all the sudden.

                                "Well it's a universal convention , the whole street is celebrating it. There's many kinds of convention of course in here it's the writer's convention together with painters, photographers , philanthropists , elitists and many more. In the other side of the road which is located outside this building is the comic convention where I guess we should check out later because you'll love it there , knowing you , you love comics. And along the streets you will see a lot of conventions , there's even a parade, it's really fun. We should join the pride later. " She said as we walk around the museum. We got some looks from people and smiled , some wondered. I guess some people knew that I am Josh's majestic boyfriend. I want to check out everything that Eunice said but I need Josh's permission or at least we need. After all , he's still our boss.

                                "Where's Josh?" I wondered. "We should ask permission first before we leave this building."

                                "Let's look around cheese puff." She said as I grimaced. Cheese puff? Really?That's so gay.

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