The Proposal

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After a hundred and one year, Caspar started writing again and it was a miracle for him to avoid the writer's block. So please vote for him and share the love so that he can be always awake and never asleep. Till next episode... HA! OKAY! Before anything else, I would like to say THANK YOU! Okay read!



[Adrian's P.O.V]

                              "And then he was like 'Let's get married then' and I just stood there like really?! And my heart was pounding if I could squeal that time I should have!" I told my mum on the phone as we both squeal at each other again. It's been awhile since mum and I talk and I am so happy to tell this to her though it's still hard to process, and you do not know if Josh was just fooling around or not. Believe it or not, I can't believe it yet. Maybe Josh said that because he was so happy, maybe he didn't mean that, maybe I'm just turning into a girl in the movies, they get their hopes up then suddenly their boyfriend didn't really ask, they just assumed and I don't want that! 

                              You paranoid and assuming biotch! 

                              "Mum, I'm still not sure though." I said to my mum when we stopped wrecking each other's ear drums.

                              "Honey, just go with the flow, don't assume and rush things. Yes, this is a happy moment but I don't want you to be desperate in front of him."

                              Yea right. Desperate? All those breakdown? Desperate? Not much. Sarcasm intended of course.

                              "Yes mum. I'll be a good boy."

                              "Be strong okay honey? I'll see you on your wedding day." Ironic isn't it?

                              "Yea right. I hope so. Okay mum, I'm gonna hang up, I have an unread SMS so bye, I love you and stay young." I hang up before she could say anything crazy, knowing my mum. She tries to be cool but it looks... not good on her. HA! Mean. I checked my phone and it was from Josh. Awhile ago we decided that I should probably visit my apartment because I literally sleep on his mansion and I miss Ms. Linda and her typewriter so I should probably take a visit. Chad was not here because it was already 5 in the evening and he has a work. I hope things are going fine with him and Christine. To be honest, I thought he's gonna be a big big part of my book but he started acting creepy and then sweet again and started acting like a modern Nostradamus, it's just too much to handle. I don't know his true self because we never really hang out but he's a true friend for me. He's there whenever I needed comfort and that's all that matters. 

                              'Get dressed and go to this restaurant and I'll see you there at 8.' 

                              My eyes pops right out of my socket. Restaurant? Oh shite! Really? Is this it? Is he gonna propose to me? Oh glob! Oh no! Oh yes! I'm being assuming again! But what if he doesn't have any plans on proposing? Then what's the point of going to a special restaurant? But what if it's just a meeting or a promotion? Pfsh! Let's face, I haven't done anything yet on that company except to flirt around with Josh and make out with him whenever possible. 

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