We're On A Date.

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                         First of all , you don't know how I got frustrated i this chapter. Second , I noticed that the story is really slow and it makes me kinda bored with all that little actions and stuffs. I want it to be big and quick. I want you guys to have feelings for my story but even I don't know where I was going because its too slow. So I'm gonna make Bed... Now! a fast paced but don't worry, it'll never change anything. Its just "fast paced" now.


[Adrian's P.O.V]

                         He looks at me with that boring look in his face. Here I am standing awkwardly in front of his desk , biting my lip and putting my hands behind me. Crossing my fingers that he'll like it. If he likes it , that means I'm official. I mean , yes , I'm already official here but its still different when you proved something already in your new days as an assistant of Mr. Rogers. I want to somehow prove to him that I do deserve this kind of a job because this is all what I'm waiting for in my whole life.

                         "Hmmm... Your perspective in life is beautiful and you've managed to describe your report excellently. I like it. Its worth it. But you have to somehow continue and dig deeper. But for now , this will do." He looks at me without changing his facial reaction. I can't tell if he really likes it because his face was blank. Its been there by the time we got here back in the building from my apartment. Despite of me having a curse , I tend to make things worse than it was and I forgot my own project and get my boss to fetch it for me because I'm a cry baby. Ugh.

                         Well at least I got this new collection of Captain America Shield!

                         By my boss.

                         Blush and smile.

                         "Well.... Uhm... I guess I can go back to my station and continue to do my work." I vowed and walk straight towards the door. "By the way , thank you for the Captain America shield. Uhm... It really means a lot for me..." I sighed and bit my lip again. I need to stop making things awkward and I need to build up confidence when I'm with this guy. Maybe its just because we've just met.

                         But I feel like we really met before.

                         And no. No flashback about my past. Its been a tough life.

                         But whatever. I just felt nervous around this guy. I feel concious about how I look and I don't normally think before speaking but with this guy , my words are selected. But sometimes it gets lose but whatever. Its just thtat sometimes Josh makes me feel special and that I am that golden toy he protects so much. In just a few days , I feel so much things around when I'm with this guy.

                         Named Josh.

                         My boss.

                         Who was straight and probably has a girlfriend.

                         And now you were thinking of asking him out?

                         HA! Dream on! Like that's gonna happen.

BED... NOW! (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now